The Student Room Group

Travel sickness - Plane

I don't have a fear of flying phobia but on some occasions like 2 years ago I was so ill on the plane I couldn't sleep, eat or drink, stand up or even go to the gents. I remember it very well. 30 minutes into the 8 hour flight I felt numb and dehydrated. My whole body was so intense, I could tell my blood pressure was rising and then bit later I was sick and I knew that this was going to be a long flight and it certainly was. I even took these very good tablets before the flight but they didn't pay off. On the return flight I was perfectly OK, but this always happens to me when I am taking off from the UK.

And now I may be going again with my family, on the same flight, same plane and same destination and I am dreading it :eek:

What can I do to prevent this happening again? Are there any good remedies out there? Please help, thanks
Reply 1
Awww...poor you.

I get motion sickness when travelling on road (and once on a plane). I find sour hard boiled sweets and singing quite helpful. Because you can't really sing on a plane, I suppose you could listen to some music to take your mind off it.


Why don't you pop a sleeping pill to help you sleep? Ofcourse, ask your GP about this and don't overdo it. A one-off won't do you much harm. But please ask your doctor, I just said this because it was the first thing on my mind.
Ginger biscuits are quite good for long travel and plenty of water.
Reply 3
I always get really bad nausea and travel sickness on planes. Until now, I havent really found a solution. BUT, i found something that works. You can buy travel sickness pills called Kwells from Boots. They cost about £3, and you only take 1, and the effects last for 6 hrs. They work very well and are fast acting.

BUT, I also use travel bands ( i bought mine on a ferry, but I think Boots have them too). They basically work but pressing down on some kind on pressure point on your wrist to help relieve nausea- sounds weird i know lol but it works.

And lastly, I really good tip i read was that you should try to sit upright and focus on an object in the distance on the plane. This helps with nausea, and that horrible feeling you get when the plane descends.

I basically did all 3 things when I flew last week (we had to take 2 planes to get to Italy and 2 coming back, so major nausea lol) and it worked reeeeeally well. I hope that helped :smile:

PS: Nelsons also do a homeopathic travel sickness remedy, but Kwells works better for me. LOL sorry starting to sound like an absolute freak here, but Im glad i can share my advice! x
Reply 4
Try getting some travel sickness pills, like the kwells as suggested above, or the best one will probably be phenergan as they will knock you out...which might help!