The Student Room Group

speaking situations

im about to start 6th form and im going to do englidh lit and english lang as 2 of my 4 AS levels. i enjoy english but the one thing i dread is presentations and speaking in front of the class and english composes of that.

well after many embarasing situations to do with speaking in front of the class can anyone offer advice on how to settle my nerves?

i tend to stutter and fidget or blush brightly or look shocked....
prior to presentations, i tend to have sleepless nights and headaches over worrying about it.
im about to start 6th form and im going to do englidh lit and english lang as 2 of my 4 AS levels. i enjoy english but the one thing i dread is presentations and speaking in front of the class and english composes of that.

well after many embarasing situations to do with speaking in front of the class can anyone offer advice on how to settle my nerves?

i tend to stutter and fidget or blush brightly or look shocked....
prior to presentations, i tend to have sleepless nights and headaches over worrying about it.

i had the same problems but with german and french and spanish presentations and debates- i found that having a rubber band in your hand and fiddling with it takes away the nerves as you concentrate on the band not on being nervous! Also if you are well prepared and know as much as poss about whats needed for the discussion-0 then you cant be nervous! Cos you have tried your best to cease the nerves :smile: :smile: best of luck!! x it does get better though! Believe me- i did ace in my orals :smile:
Reply 2
I think everyone does.

I however **blows own trumpet** am quite good at them. I've got to the point where I can just not read off a sheet and just talk in confidence.

The only advice I can give is:

1. know your subject area very well.
2. The 6 p's
3. don't worry because everyone else will be the same

Reply 3
I think you should give the speech to your reflection more than a couple of times. Practice makes perfect. Also, know your material, inside out. If you know what you're talking about, you will be far more confident in talking it. Above all, you must relax. Eat and sleep well, be comfortable. Do not spend the last few moments before the presentation agonising over it, instead have a laugh with friends so as to be in a good calm frame of mind.

PS, realise that this is just one of thousands of days you will live in your life and is very easily forgotten. Don't put too much importance on any one presentation, the added pressure is unnecessary.
Reply 4
Pretend your the boss and they are little, unimportant employees - that should give you confidence.

Pretend you are in a serious situation - this puts the mentality in your brain for the presentation
Reply 5
Yeh, u shud definitely practice over and over again, until you are absolutely sure that you know it. the more you practice the more confident you will become and the easier it will be.
once you get to know everyone in your class you wont have a problem with it. By the end of the year it'll just be like chatting to a group of friends.

The first few times you have to give a presentation can be a bit nerve wracking though. Just remember its not a big deal and its something you just have to learn to do. Lavender essential oil is good for calming nerves and speaking to yourself in a mirror is a great way of building your confidence for stuff like this
Reply 7
Pretend your the boss and they are little, unimportant employees - that should give you confidence.

Ah yes, the Bengali male's approach of choice :biggrin:
Ah yes, the Bengali male's approach of choice :biggrin:

i neve got that see them nude thing! But then i watched an episode of Coupling where that theory was totally destroyed :p:
im exactly like this but i start shaking. i ended up quitting my eng lit a level because of it. big mistake! dont let something like this become such a big deal. you can do it just as well as all your class mates.
i in fact went to the doctor who was very sympathetic and pescribed me some pills to calm the physical effect (shaking, twitching etc.) This builded my confidence trememndously so maybe you could do the same?
dont think of the worst outcome. try and stay positive. try not to over think it. keep it informal, imagine your talking to your mates.
good luck. message me if you want. x
Think about what President Truman said (paraphrased): "When I sit opposite an important fellow, I imagine him in bright red pajamas."