The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hi! try this site ,has about toning legs,but,arms,thighs an so on...
hope this helps!
Reply 2
hi! try this site ,has about toning legs,but,arms,thighs an so on...
hope this helps!

wow... thanks so much been after one like this for agggesss!
thanks alot
The davina 3 30 minute workouts dvd is amazing (not that I'm promoting piracy or anything lol )
i dont know of one, but try yoga- geris video was quite good. But i never stick to them, so i just cycle everyday
Reply 5

Reply 7
you'd be better off just sweating it out by going for a good run and plenty of situps/star jumps/press ups etc. You might look like a ******** doing star jumps but it's really good exercise.
you'd be better off just sweating it out by going for a good run and plenty of situps/star jumps/press ups etc. You might look like a ******** doing star jumps but it's really good exercise.

:p: very starsky and hutch :wink:
Reply 9
If you fancy buying a workout dvd, I use Pump it Up, Pump it Up High Energy and Coleen Mcloughlin's Brand New Body Workout. And I'd recommend them all, they're fab!!! has them really cheap! :-)
If you fancy buying a workout dvd, I use Pump it Up, Pump it Up High Energy and Coleen Mcloughlin's Brand New Body Workout. And I'd recommend them all, they're fab!!! has them really cheap! :-)

dont buy antony from BBs video, unles you want a laugh :p: