The Student Room Group

fed up

I feel worthless like everything i do is pointless and that nothing i ever do will be good enough, i dont mean good enough for other poeple but good enough for myself. I want to blame all the people who have expectations of me because its just put me into the mindset that success is the only important thing in life. well its making me miserable, ill be off to uni in 3 weeks and ill just feel inferior to everyone there. but ill put on the happy front that i always do that has got me through life so far with everyone thinking that im a enthuastic person with not a care in the world and time for anyone and anything. im fed up of being something im not just so i can fit in, the only problem is that i dont know how else to behave or how to be myself(whatever that actually is) any suggestions?
Reply 1
I don't believe you can be happy unless you are true to yourself. If your life is taking you places you do not want to go, it is better to realise it and address it now rather than 3 years down the line. *LOU*
How the bloody hell are you worthless, for god sake your going to uni, how is that suppose to mean your worthless, if your worried about fitting in, there are so many opportunities to make new friends, you just got to be yourself.
Reply 3
Firstly i would suggest that you try to have an open mind about are not there yet and you may find that when you do go there things will go smoothly and without any difficulty, we all get nervous when faced with new things but i think there is a danger that you actually "over think" what may happen...or imagine situations in you head that may not be realistic. Also you can try to put you feelings into perspective, ask yourself if what you are thinking is rational or if there is anything you know about yourself to suggest that you are important and you are a meaninful person, often it is easy to be negative but try making a mental list of your positive points. Also ask yourself how you will view your thoughts now if someone else told you what you are telling the forum, prehaps consider how you will look back at this moment in 5 years time? Often you can change the way you feel by putting things into a better perspective, and be actually valuing what you are as a person. Dont worry about sure that you will naturally meet people whom you will get along with and it will be ok - have faith in yourself :smile:.

Hope that helped a bit...?
Reply 4
thats part of the problem, i dont actually know how to be myself cos ive had so many years of doing what i thought would make everyone else happy.
Reply 5
stop being so concerned with how others perceive you. if you place that as superior to your happiness, you'll never be content. *LOU*
stop being so concerned with how others perceive you. if you place that as superior to your happiness, you'll never be content. *LOU*

I agree that is the worst thing you can do, all you got to do is be normal, be who you are, and if you meet some people just get to know them, i.e go for a drink together and relax.