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ive had verucas on my feet for the past 2 years i have tried everything from bazuka gel to having them professionally frozen by the chiropodist. i dont know wot else do to its starting to get me down and i heard that they can be cut out of your feet but i dont like the sound of that. any advice b4 i contact my chiropodist and using this last resort.
Well here's some information here

What also might be an idea is to see your GP about it, maybe he/she can prescribe you something.
No personal experience but a friend has the type that will stay with you for longer than the normal two years it takes your body to fight the virus. Not much you can do- but you could try silver nitrate- lol turns your feet a lovely black colour but should get rid of the verrucas.
Reply 3
chop em off
Reply 4
dr octagon
chop em off

I know it sounds gross but when I was 11 I had to cut a verruca out of my foot because nothing else worked.

I've worked in a pharmacy and everyone has said the stuff doctors prescribe (that's supposed to take it off in layers) is absolutely useless.
Reply 5
I know it sounds gross but when I was 11 I had to cut a verruca out of my foot because nothing else worked.

I've worked in a pharmacy and everyone has said the stuff doctors prescribe (that's supposed to take it off in layers) is absolutely useless.

exactly what i did. so, what kind of blade did you use? i used a samurai sword.
Reply 6
chiropodists can cut them out for you. My mom used to do them herself with a razor ( I think she still does if she gets them :s-smilie:). I was lucky that hot ice got rid of them for me, and I haven't had any since.

Dr's might be the best idea, as I'm sure they'll have a few suggestions. They are tricky to get rid of.
Reply 7
I used to have loads and had them for years. All throughout my teenage years at least. It's only in the past few months that I have noticed that they are going and none are coming back.
This happened after I went to uni. They haven't come back since I have come home from uni for the summer.

Bazzuka didn't work...but I never really stuck to it for longer than a couple weeks. I was going to go to my doctor but when I decided to they had gone.
Reply 8
Someone told me that if you warm up a lead pencil in a flame, and then touch the verruca then that works...sounds dodgy but worth a go! Also Im sure i read somewhere about one side of a banana skin...hmm!
I've heard bananas too-it's supposedly the potassium that makes it work, could be an old wives tale though.
chiropodists can cut them out for you. My mom used to do them herself with a razor ( I think she still does if she gets them :s-smilie:). I was lucky that hot ice got rid of them for me, and I haven't had any since.

Dr's might be the best idea, as I'm sure they'll have a few suggestions. They are tricky to get rid of.

Isn't that something of an oxymoron? - a few things to try.... never heard of the duct tape method before!

I used to have a massive verruca on my heel - actually it was about 5 clumped together to make a big one. I know you've said you've tried the bazuka gel but... on the instructions it says to apply the gel to the verruca and avoid the surrounding skin, however, I found that putting the gel on the skin around the verruca (as well as the verruca itself) actually works better. It's a bit disgusting but apply the gel, wait about 24 hours and then pick it off. Keep doing this for a few days until the skin around the verruca goes white (dead skin). You will end up with a sort of mound. Try picking the edge and pulling it out but if it hurts keep going with the gel until the skin is completely numb/dead.
Some PCTs provide resources for their GPs to apply liquid nitrogen directly to their patients' affected area(s), so ring your GP's surgery and ask about cryotherapy. :smile:
Reply 13
I've heard bananas too-it's supposedly the potassium that makes it work, could be an old wives tale though.

Nope, it def works. :banana:
Reply 14
My mum always said if you leave it, it'll go away on it's own. That's what I did, and it did go away. She also said something about lemons... can't recall what though!
i've had verrucas for about four years, they came and went i think at some point during that period.... anyway, didn't really do anything about them until a year ago, when i realised they were pretty bad. horrific might be the right word lol. i had 3-4 major clumps with loads of em going. and loads of separate ones all over the place. but its on ur foot and u don't really think about it.... well i didn't anyway.

so i decided to go to the dermatologist at my hospital about 8 months ago and she put me on a cryotherapy program... once every few weeks freezing the *****. because verrucas are *****, they just do not want to die. i had them frozen 7 or 8 times i believe, and on more than 2 occassions i could only limp about for nearly a week after.

for me, the treatment went up and down, sometimes it seemed to be working and then before u knew it the verrucas were back in full strength. for instance, i had one badass verruca frozen, literally nuked with liquid nitogren to bring up a huge blood blister. it went.... and then the ****er came back.... 5 times the size! it was huge! it grew insanely fast as well, and became insane huge. my friend kindly said it looked like a fungus.

well all i could think about was getting rid of that bastard, and on my last treatment he completely blitzed my feet, and it was incredibly successful: it seems to have kicked my immune system into action. combined with constant filling, which i didn't do before, and a bit of cuplex gel every now and again, my feet are nearly completely clear of the verrucas. two major clusters have disappeared, with another two almost completely gone. most importantly, that humungous fungus was destroyed, though the blister that came up was absolutely gruesome for a couple of weeks.

basically, if u want the cryotherapy to work, from my experience, you have got to ask for the doctor to freeze them seriously, rather than just a few seconds on each verruca. if u want it to work, you need at least 15 seconds on bad areas. and i'd say after about 8 seconds the pain becomes excruciating. and you won't be able to walk for days...
Reply 16
i had them pretty bad for a while, and tried some treatment (wasnt bazuca, or whatever its called) which worked on all the small ones on my toes, but it didnt completely get rid of the big ones on my heel, just kinda made them smaller.

then they disappeared. so i guess i was lucky!
I've had a few Verrucas for about 2 years aswell, i went to the doctors and got them frozen but need to go back a few times for it to actually work.
I tried all the bazuka cream but none of it seemed to work!
But recently they have really started to annoy me and my mum brought some Scholl Freeze Verruca & Wart Remover. Which you can find on the boots website. you ahve to use it for 40seconds and it hurts! The first few times it didnt work but after a while it should work.
You could also tired to use a foot emery board like this one

it removes dead skin from your foot but i was once told to use it on my verrucas until they bleed and them use the bazuka cream on them.

i hope this helps i dont no all the things you have tried but just some of the things i have done.