i've had verrucas for about four years, they came and went i think at some point during that period.... anyway, didn't really do anything about them until a year ago, when i realised they were pretty bad. horrific might be the right word lol. i had 3-4 major clumps with loads of em going. and loads of separate ones all over the place. but its on ur foot and u don't really think about it.... well i didn't anyway.
so i decided to go to the dermatologist at my hospital about 8 months ago and she put me on a cryotherapy program... once every few weeks freezing the *****. because verrucas are *****, they just do not want to die. i had them frozen 7 or 8 times i believe, and on more than 2 occassions i could only limp about for nearly a week after.
for me, the treatment went up and down, sometimes it seemed to be working and then before u knew it the verrucas were back in full strength. for instance, i had one badass verruca frozen, literally nuked with liquid nitogren to bring up a huge blood blister. it went.... and then the ****er came back.... 5 times the size! it was huge! it grew insanely fast as well, and became insane huge. my friend kindly said it looked like a fungus.
well all i could think about was getting rid of that bastard, and on my last treatment he completely blitzed my feet, and it was incredibly successful: it seems to have kicked my immune system into action. combined with constant filling, which i didn't do before, and a bit of cuplex gel every now and again, my feet are nearly completely clear of the verrucas. two major clusters have disappeared, with another two almost completely gone. most importantly, that humungous fungus was destroyed, though the blister that came up was absolutely gruesome for a couple of weeks.
basically, if u want the cryotherapy to work, from my experience, you have got to ask for the doctor to freeze them seriously, rather than just a few seconds on each verruca. if u want it to work, you need at least 15 seconds on bad areas. and i'd say after about 8 seconds the pain becomes excruciating. and you won't be able to walk for days...