The Student Room Group

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Reply 20
Original post by kristianabanana
i'm in the orchards as well :smile: what are your number things? i have absolutely no idea what they mean :P

im 1.16 does anyone know what our rooms/flat will be like?
Reply 21
Original post by teapotjuggler
I'm D block too! What floor/flat number are you? I'm 3.16 whatever that means.

I'm in d2.14 do you know if ours are ensuite? I've never been to look around
Reply 22
Original post by coco_madem0iselle
2.23, you?

well im shared bathroom too and theres definitely a guy a few doors down from me that i've been talking to, so i think the floors are mixed sex.. not sure how bathroom sharing works tho! :smile:

Okay, that's good.
Exciting stuff.
I have an ensuite with a double bed in oxley but would love to be in devonshire - if anyone doesn't fancy sharing a bathroom and would think about a room swap please get in touch :smile:
Reply 24
Original post by kristianabanana
i'm in the orchards as well :smile: what are your number things? i have absolutely no idea what they mean :P

Room number 4.11, what's yours?
Original post by Laura2665
I'm in d2.14 do you know if ours are ensuite? I've never been to look around

They're all ensuite and 3/4 doubles in our block :smile: what subject are you studying?
Reply 26
Original post by teapotjuggler
They're all ensuite and 3/4 doubles in our block :smile: what subject are you studying?

Oh that's good thank you :smile: don't suppose you know if it's main building block d or grosvenor block d? I'm doing geography yourself?
Original post by Laura2665
Oh that's good thank you :smile: don't suppose you know if it's main building block d or grosvenor block d? I'm doing geography yourself?

Are you catered or self-catered? I'm self catered so I'm in Grosvenor, but if you're catered you'll be in the main building. I'm doing geography too! BA or BSc? I'm BA.
Reply 28
Original post by teapotjuggler
Are you catered or self-catered? I'm self catered so I'm in Grosvenor, but if you're catered you'll be in the main building. I'm doing geography too! BA or BSc? I'm BA.

I'm self catered so must be in Grosvenor as well :smile: BSc thought for a second I'd found someone on the same course then
Original post by Laura2665
I'm self catered so must be in Grosvenor as well :smile: BSc thought for a second I'd found someone on the same course then

Ah nice, I'll see you around then! You're the first d block person I've found. Haha almost, but not quite.
Reply 30
Original post by teapotjuggler
Ah nice, I'll see you around then! You're the first d block person I've found. Haha almost, but not quite.

Indeed :smile: I haven't found anyone either guessing its a small block
Reply 31
I'm in 'A1.12' self catered so presuming grosvenor block. Anyone know what that's like or where in the site it is? Looking forward to moving in, bought my pots and pans haha!
(edited 10 years ago)
Reply 32
Hi, I was just browsing the University of Leeds threads and came across this one - I currently work at Devonshire Halls (just for summer), so thought I'd answer some of the questions here.

First of all, this is what the numbers mean
Letter - Block
Number 1 - Floor
Number 2 - Flat
Number 3 - Room

Dev is set out as follows:

Main building (quads) are catered and the vast majority are shared bathroom and are the following blocks - A, B, C, D, North, South, N, O, P, Q, R. All of these with the exception of block R consist of between nine and eleven rooms, with a shared kitchen and a maximum of four students to each bathroom, however the shower and toilet are separate so can both be used at the same time. Block R has around 32/33 rooms, with a shared kitchen on each floor (there are three), can't remember the specifics of the showers & toilets however as a guide the university allocates a maximum of five students to one shared bathroom. All rooms which share a bathroom have a sink in the bedroom.

Grosvenor Court, all blocks are self catered apart from block E which is catered. Grosvenor Court is made up of Grosvenor A, B, C, D & E. All rooms are en-suite. Blocks A and B each have seven flats, two on each floor apart from the top floor which has one. With the exception of the top floor flats, in block A flats are of five and in block B they are of four (I think). The top floor flats are between five and eight students (I think). Block C has only two flats, each of five students. Block D I think has six flats, two on each floor across three floors. Block E has six flats, two flats of five each on floors one and two, a flat of eight on floor three and a flat of four or five on floor four. All rooms have either 4ft or double beds.

North Lawn, in which all blocks are self catered, consists of F, G, H, J & K. All of these flats have shared bathrooms, with a minimum of four students per flat. Any flat with five or more students has at least two toilets and sinks, but one shower and any flat of eight (of which I think there are two in North Lawn, will have two full bathrooms each with a shower, sink and toilet. All rooms in north lawn have a sink in the bedroom. All rooms have 4ft beds.

Annexes, which consist of Ruse House, Ridgefield House, Springhill House, Elmfield House, Coachouse and Old Hall. These are spread across the site, and with the exception of the coachouse and Old Hall, are all old houses that have been converted into student halls. All have shared bathrooms and are catered but all of them also have kitchens. The Coachouse is a building organised into four flats of between five and eight. Old Hall is where the warden lives and contains function rooms which are hired out by the university - however on the first and second floor there are student bedrooms, 9 in total (I think). All rooms have 4ft or double beds.

Orchards - a block across four floors, all with shared bathrooms, which is self catered. From memory, most flats are of six, with three on each floor, however the top floor (4) has only two flats - one of eight and one of four I think. All rooms have 4ft beds.

I hope the above has been able to answer some of your questions :smile:
Reply 33
Original post by ImNewHere1280
Excited to be in Devonshire, I got North Lawn J2.15

Has anyone visited the North Lawn rooms? How do they look?

Im in North Lawn J2 but flat 2, so we're on the same floor
I haven't seen the rooms though :/
Reply 34
Original post by gemmabug
I'm in 'A1.12' self catered so presuming grosvenor block. Anyone know what that's like or where in the site it is? Looking forward to moving in, bought my pots and pans haha!

Hey, I'm on the floor above you :biggrin: I'm A2.14 :smile: Never actually seen it or been to it but the photos look fab!
Original post by Amyog
Im in North Lawn J2 but flat 2, so we're on the same floor
I haven't seen the rooms though :/

Pretty cool, I'm sure I'll see you around during orientation!
Reply 36
I'm north lawn too

Devonshire Hall, North Lawn F room F1.24, anyone near that?
Reply 37
I'm in 'A1.12' self catered so presuming grosvenor block. Anyone know what that's like or where in the site it is? Looking forward to moving in, bought my pots and pans haha!

Hey we're neighbours! I'm A1.11 in Grosvenor. No clue where it is on the site, but think we have ensuite and double (4ft) beds. What will you be studying?
(edited 10 years ago)
Reply 38
hey all, is anyone in the Main Building? Near B03?
Reply 39
I am in Catered halls for devonshire, i was wondering what gear the kitchens have in them on the off chance that i will have to cook for myself! If anyone could just clarify that theres a microwave and an oven that would be great thanks.