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Reply 1
Yep. Sex ed is lacking. A lot of people have a lot of miscoceptions on it. Some are:

HIV can be cured (I can only assume they think treatment is the same thing)
Men pass on more STI's to women than the other way around.
Withdrawal is "protection".
Can't be transfered from oral
Reply 2
Well it's not hard to go and get checked up for STIs regularly. If you're having sex, then you should be having the tests.
The Withdrawal method is not protection if thats what you mean't by withdrawal.
Reply 4
He was listing misconceptions.
He was listing misconceptions.

Ah thats true he's right, and yes obviously if you are going to have unprotected sex, don't take the guy's word if he says he's protected, get yourselves tested first.
The poor woman, she made a mistake during her teenaged years and paid for it, now she cannot have children, this is also why you trust no partner if they say they are clean, nothing wrong with sex but above all be careful when you do.
The threat of chlamydia is very real.

well i mean today they have proved that unprotected sex, increases the chance of cancer of the womb and the cervix! BUt i mean surely thats obvious! i mean the sperm is actually dying in a womans womb, its a foreign body etc!! My gran has said this to me for ages!!!
Reply 7
i heard cervical cancer was one of the biggest killers, but i never heard of it before i had to do research. I think its unprotected sex with multiple partners.
Reply 8
Of course it increases the chance of cervical cancer - HPV is one of the biggest causes of cervical cancer.
i heard cervical cancer was one of the biggest killers, but i never heard of it before i had to do research. I think its unprotected sex with multiple partners.

well that causes all kinds of diseases innnit
I made my boyfriend have tests-even though he sweared he had always used a condom. I intend to have a yearly test-its resposible to not just yourself but any other person you sleep with.
Reply 11
The poor woman, she made a mistake during her teenaged years and paid for it, now she cannot have children, this is also why you trust no partner if they say they are clean, nothing wrong with sex but above all be careful when you do. The threat of chlamydia is very real.

There's an interesting new film out called Children of Men.

It is set in a not-too-distant future where women can no longer procreate. This is due to them all being dirty sluts and contracting Chlamydia.

I'm kidding. It's an evolutionary thing mixed with the effects of a polluted planet. However, it still gives some kind of insight into a world which we could be facing because of these problems.

Having said that, I'm nowhere near being a "wait for marriage" fanatic by any means. I'm all for compulsory yearly health checks amidst our wonderful world of dirty slutness.
I made my boyfriend have tests-even though he sweared he had always used a condom. I intend to have a yearly test-its resposible to not just yourself but any other person you sleep with.

wasnt he a bit pissed off though? i mean tbh i dont blame you, good for you for having the balls to ask :smile:
Reply 13
why should someone be pissed off for doing the responsible thing?
why should someone be pissed off for doing the responsible thing?

because by asking him to do that, when he has already said that he has used a condom all the time, could show lack of trust.but i suppose carls right..
Reply 15
It's not a lack of trust really; I mean, condoms aren't totally foolproof. Just sensible I guess.
Well no they aren't fool proof, but you use them correctly they will protect against STI's and STD's. Or as i said earlier least if your gonna go without condoms it's better to get tested i know it sounds like a lack of trust if you ask to get tested but it's not, best to be safe.

P.s I didn't intend to scare anyone with this thread, i just felt it was useful to post this.
Well no they aren't fool proof, but you use them correctly they will protect against STI's and STD's. Or as i said earlier least if your gonna go without condoms it's better to get tested i know it sounds like a lack of trust if you ask to get tested but it's not, best to be safe.

P.s I didn't intend to scare anyone with this thread, i just felt it was useful to post this.

i agree, it was :smile:
Reply 18
Are they even 100% at protecting against STIs with correct use though?

Also, there's a chance of picking up something from oral sex too. So, just be safe.
Are they even 100% at protecting against STIs with correct use though?

Also, there's a chance of picking up something from oral sex too. So, just be safe.

i think theyre 99.9% safe