Now this isn't one of those, "I'm in love with my teacher" posts, I mean relationships as in friendship. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I finished college this summer, and will be going away to Uni in October. Do people see it as ok to keep in touch with 1 of my teachers from college, because we got on really well? I'm a girl, and my teacher is female, so nothing dodgy going on, just get on so well. Been emailing her quite often recently, because when I left college she gave me her home email address, so we could keep in contact. Does anyone else keep in touch with a teacher? Would it wrong to meet up with this teacher, before I go to uni? Like going to cinema, or just meeting up for coffee. Only problem is I live in Huddersfield, and she lives in Shefffield. How should I go about sugesting we meet up? Just ask her in a email "by the way, do you fancy meeting up & going for coffee?"