The Student Room Group

Student-teacher relationships

Now this isn't one of those, "I'm in love with my teacher" posts, I mean relationships as in friendship. Not sure if this is the right place to post this. I finished college this summer, and will be going away to Uni in October. Do people see it as ok to keep in touch with 1 of my teachers from college, because we got on really well? I'm a girl, and my teacher is female, so nothing dodgy going on, just get on so well. Been emailing her quite often recently, because when I left college she gave me her home email address, so we could keep in contact. Does anyone else keep in touch with a teacher? Would it wrong to meet up with this teacher, before I go to uni? Like going to cinema, or just meeting up for coffee. Only problem is I live in Huddersfield, and she lives in Shefffield. How should I go about sugesting we meet up? Just ask her in a email "by the way, do you fancy meeting up & going for coffee?"

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Reply 1
I don't see anything wrong with that, i was friends with a teacher at my school, she didn't teach me but some of my friends and we went to a gig together, shopping together when i still attended, so i don't see anything wrong with it, especially now that you don't go there anymore. And hey, she gave it to you, basically saying its okay that we still talk! And i'm sure bringing it up in an e-mail that way would be fine, if she says no...then no loss! But i doubt she will, seeing as she gave you her e-mail after you left :smile:
Reply 2
Yep- it's absolutely normal. :smile: Lots of students keep in touch with their former teachers; and teachers are often very interested to see what you'll do next in life, especially if you're pursuing their subject.

I think asking her in an email would be fine- coffee would be a good excuse to talk about university with her and everything. She also gave you her email address, which means she obviously wants to stay in touch. I hope it all goes well! :smile:
Reply 3
Don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's a genuine friendship, you're both adults, adults are under no expectation to only associate with people the same age as them.

I'm probably going to see a hell of a lot of one of the Politics teachers from college when I'm up in Manchester, he'll likely be getting himself arrested numerous times at the Labour Party Conference.
Reply 4
nothing wrong with it at all... i still keep in touch with one of my teachers on a purely friendship based purpose :smile:
Geniune friendship is absolutely fine, i am still in touch with one of my teachers from school 8 years ago.
Reply 6
Most teacher handbooks specifically state teachers are catagorically not allowed to socialise or attend social events with students.

This was particularly of interest because a friend of mine after he finished 6th form, stayed on as a tech at the school... meaning that it suddenly became 'wrong' and possible illegal to be dating his girlfriend of 1 year younger! Pretty funny actually.
My mother is a teacher and is still in contact with pupils from 20 years ago. As long as there's nothing dodgy then it's fine, just slightly odd when you're suddenly on equal terms, rather than pupil-teacher terms.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I kept in touch with my teacher when i first had a her in year 7 now im in year 13 so theres nothing wrong with that at all. I think its a great idea meeting up with her itll be excellent and ull have a good time with her. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, i say go for it :smile: good luck :smile:.
Reply 9
Two of my teachers gave me their email adresses when they left this year, because I got on really well with them both. I don't think there's much wrong with it, and it's sweet that they really are interested in what you're up to.

Well, they appear to be :-P

My sister has just left for uni and her English class has had a few meet-ups with their teacher. Actually a lot of teachers from my school exchange mobile numbers with students when they leave which is more personal than email!
Reply 10
I email my old teachers now and again.
Reply 11
Most teacher handbooks specifically state teachers are catagorically not allowed to socialise or attend social events with students.

haha we went to the pub with a few teachers and student teachers like every friday afternoon!

1 teacher at out school ended up marrying a lkass he used to teach maths 2!
this was about 4 yrs ago!!
Reply 12
I am also in relations with my teacher. It's been like this for 3 years, and it's fine. However, I had never stopped being a pupil :smile: and I still have in my mind, "hey, she's a teacher" :smile:
I just dont like mixing life - with formal/informal situations. Everything has its own space in life - school/reationships/friends/love.
I don't think her being your teacher should make a difference; if you're friends with someone, you should keep in touch if you want to. I know I'd be disappointed if I didn't keep in touch with a couple of the teachers at my college I get on well with.
Reply 14
Nothing wrong with that
nothing wrong with it at all, one of my former male teachers lives right near me, I see him all the time, have him on my msn/have his mobile no, etc, and I had those details when he was my teacher too, as did everyone else in the class. Hes only a few years old than me (mid 20s) and got on really well with everyone. Nothing wrong with being friends with someone you have a lot in common with is there? I also have mobile nos for several other people who taught me at Alevel, no one at college thought it was a big deal at all
Reply 16
not really, doesn't seem dodgy..

i'm not friends as such with my old school teachers but i can talk to them about personal things still and its good because we're on more of a similar level eg i can talk to them about stuff apart from school.
I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping in touch with a teacher at all, when i was in 6th form teachers weren't like teachers anyway, it was all first name terms and it's really nice to know that the people who made an impact on your life will still be ur friends even when you've left school.
I'm in contact with one of my teachers because we got on so well, and i know she is always interested in how i'm getting on, so i think it's nice to be able to maintain the friendship.
Reply 18
Nothing weird with that! I had most of my old teacher's mobile and home numbers for practical reasons, and one of them I used to text quite a lot to natter about the football and stuff! I have one of my current teacher's mobile numbers mostly to text about practical things and so she can contact me in school but also when I'm feeling down just to have a chat!

It's cool when your teachers are like that with you, because when you think about it they're some of the adults closest to you in your life. I think once you leave school the dynamic changes slightly so you're more equal, it may feel weird but I think it's all cool! Just text or email or whatever and say you'd like to meet up for a coffee before you go away to uni as you won't see her for a while.
Thats cool. My friends, my reg teacher and I got on so well.. that when we asked in form (for a joke) if we could go to her wedding, you can imagine our faces when she said yes! She rules.