The Student Room Group

Bored in bed

Ive been with my boyfriend over 4 months, we only ever seem to end up going to his house and sitting in his room (its the only place we re not bothered by little sisters etc) and this of course leads to other things. He s the first guy i ve liked and 'messed' around with, but its beginning to feel a lil stale. He s a lovely guy:smile: and i dont wanna change our relationship but im bored of the same thing. i dont think hes been wit many girls either.
THe things that he does are alright, nice even sometimes lol but i ve kinda lost the enthusiasm for it at the moment and he doesnt understand. What am i doing wrong? and what can i do to make it better?
lol, im not a pathetic14 yr old but its not as exciting as i expected.:rolleyes:

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Reply 1
Just talk to him...Only way things will change.

Maybe say "oh hey why don't we do this" or something to try and get him into something new.
Reply 2
Do you reckon it's actually the stuff he's doing, or are you just not feeling a lot of desire for sex?

Cos if you were randy as hell anyway, you wouldn't have to be doing loads of freaky stuff to get excited.

Maybe you're going through a little low point in your libido, it happens.

Is the stuff he's doing actually bad (ie, clumsy) or are you just bored of it now?

4 months isn't really that long!
You probably need to do other things apart from staying in his room, it allows to to explore other parts of a relationship and find out more about them, have fun and create a bit of excitement that will hopefully result in things being more sexy in the bedroom!
Do you reckon it's actually the stuff he's doing, or are you just not feeling a lot of desire for sex?

Cos if you were randy as hell anyway, you wouldn't have to be doing loads of freaky stuff to get excited.

Maybe you're going through a little low point in your libido, it happens.

Is the stuff he's doing actually bad (ie, clumsy) or are you just bored of it now?

4 months isn't really that long!

:ditto: Or is it that you don't want to be doing this stuff with him?
Reply 5
It's still warm enough to do it in the park :wink:
Reply 6
hahah its raining these days

do something random, that invloves you and him outside as in go to the cinema etc im not gonna list all the normal stuff u shud do with ur bf.uve gotten into a rountine.
today im meeting my bf
get to his house
go to his bedroom
undress and fumble
go home

obviously its not going to be fun
Yeah why not go out a bit more like to the cinema and stuff.
Reply 8
google: 'Sexual positions'

that'll keep you entertained.
Reply 9
Sounds like a boring bastard if you ask me
Ive been with my boyfriend over 4 months, we only ever seem to end up going to his house and sitting in his room (its the only place we re not bothered by little sisters etc) and this of course leads to other things. He s the first guy i ve liked and 'messed' around with, but its beginning to feel a lil stale. He s a lovely guy:smile: and i dont wanna change our relationship but im bored of the same thing. i dont think hes been wit many girls either.
He things that he does are alright, nice even sometimes lol but i ve kinda lost the enthusiasm for it at the moment and he doesnt understand. What am i doing wrong? and what can i do to make it better?
lol, im not a pathetic14 yr old but its not as exciting as i expected.:rolleyes:

I no exactly what you mean! Me and my ex boyfriend were like this an i just got bored. I dont think your doing anything wrong! But to make it better you could try doing some other things like going out to the cinema, bowling, go on a picnic, go for a walk, go to the park, go out for a meal etc.
Hope this helps
Reply 11
Markus Angelsdaughter
Sounds like a boring bastard if you ask me

AGREED :s:s:s:s:s:

lol can't believe your only 14 and talking about this. Back then, I was playing with my trusty pokemon cards... or was that when I was 12. :s-smilie:
Reply 12
AGREED :s:s:s:s:s:

lol can't believe your only 14 and talking about this. Back then, I was playing with my trusty pokemon cards... or was that when I was 12. :s-smilie:

lol she said she isnt a 14 year old
Reply 13
lol she said she isnt a 14 year old

"lol, im not a pathetic14 yr old but its not as exciting as i expected."

I assumed she meant she is 14... just not pathetic.
Reply 14
"lol, im not a pathetic14 yr old but its not as exciting as i expected."

I assumed she meant she is 14... just not pathetic.

:biggrin: um maybe she did i didnt think of that
Paste a large-print magazine to his ceiling.
Reply 16
Getting into a routine like that can be pretty boring. It sounds rather a lot like with my ex, though he tended to come round to mine and watch a film or something.

So yeah, try meeting up to do something different - cinema, ice skating, or just go and hang out somewhere different (in a café or something).
Reply 17
Sounds like it's boring doing teh same thing every time. Try going out, spending days together (shopping, theampark, normal park, explor somewhere) and get to know eachother in other ways.
It's still warm enough to do it in the park :wink:

Great advice...for a chav?
Great advice...for a chav?

Why the anon post?
People take things too seriously these days! Do I need to have a "this is a joke" disclaimer everytime I post something silly?