The Student Room Group

Mums boyfriend

how do i handle a my mums boyfriend. hes never liked me, first time i met him he said that whenever i see my mum hes gonna be there so i better get used to it.. (she had affair with him) we had a massive fight, but my mum just stood there and cried. hen once put my dinner in the bin because he said i had made me and my brother late for dinner on purpose. he gets annoyed if my mum talks to me when hes with her.. hes controlling ive always seen it. but not long ago, my mum admitted it, calling me up in tears saying he had left, and said hes such a control freak. i dont know what happened however. she always defends him when i confront her about him. also, shes an alcoholic and he always asks her if she wants more wine, and sometimes she says no and he still pours her some. i dont know how to get him out of my mums life, he is not good for her...but shes too scared to be alone
Reply 1
The sometimes aggressive Yahooey wonders if you can kick his ass, or would he hammer you?

The sometimes aggressive Yahooey has spoken.
Reply 2

I don't really know what to say to be honest. Maybe ring a helpline to see if they can help you? Or is there no family member who can help? Your dad? Your mums parents, aunts, uncles? Do they know what's going on? If not, tell them, maybe they could take your mum away for a few days, let her know how you're feeling.

Sorry I haven't been much help.

Let us know how you get on. Best Wishes hun.

Karen x
Reply 3
I take it you're not living at home now? Could your mum come and stay with you for a few days to break the cycle. Now that she has admitted he's a control freak has she got the strength to change the locks, not let him back into her life? She needs something to fill the gap.Could you arrange a sort of rota of friends/family so she's never alone? Or (desperate measure!) get her a dog. Is she willing to accept help for her alcoholism? Could you go with her to AA meetings? She won't be in control of her life while she's drinking.
Reply 4
How can you make ur own post like of my own story?
Reply 5
Are you male or female OP?