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best friend cheating on her bf...

i've fancied my best friend's boyfriend for ages, before they went out and all the way through their relationship (4 months).

recently their relationship has been really rough and they haven't really been speaking. he's been flirting with me quite a lot and asking me to see him on his own, and stuff.

she cheated on him last week, just a kiss but it sounded like quite a major pulling session. she doesn't want to tell him about it UNTIL she knows what's going to happen with the guy she cheated on him with, i.e. if he wants to go out with her, she will break up with her boyfriend, but if he doesn't, she won't tell her boyfriend... personally i think this is wrong but i haven't said.

her boyfriend then called me yesterday to ask me what i thought about him breaking up with her. when i asked him why he went silent and wouldn't tell me why he wanted to break up. but he talked about the guy she cheated with during the conversation normally, so i don't think he has found out.

basically, i don't know what to say to him when he asks me whether he should break up with her. i don't want to encourage him because it would be obvious that i like him, and i can't tell him about her cheating on him. but i don't want him to stay with her, because she's using him! what should i say to him?

thanks for any replies.
Reply 1
There's a girl I quite fancy, who I know has fancied me for a while.

She's got a boyfriend, and one night at the club they had an argument, I went downstairs and saw her boyfriend pulling another girl.

Later on I talked to her and she was upset, but obviously didn't know about the cheating.

The next night we both flirted ridiculously, more chemistry than you could possibly imagine, and we blatently both wanted each other.

Here's the thing:

I still haven't told her about it, because it really isn't my place to.
If she was just a friend, then maybe I would, but as it is I have a reason to want her to break up with him, and to grass him up and then have her myself just makes me look like a manipulative bastard.

I feel much better just flirting with her now and then without feeling guilty.
Reply 2
you shouldnt have to hold the weight of this all on your own shoulders, explain to your mate what she is doing 1. by cheating on him and 2. by putting you in an awful situation in my opinon you need to be honest with her tell her exactly what you feel and hope she will take your advice..

turn it around imagine you were with someone and using them but were oblivous to it and one of your mates told you what they thought heck you might dislike it for a while but then in the long run you'd be happy with them for being honest with you and telling you stuff which you were oblivious to see

so yeah tell your mate exactly what you feel and hopefully it'll turn out alright in the end

good luck :smile:
Reply 3
but you're also in the worng for wanting to get with her bf
obviously you could be a better gf for him but how would she feel if you went out with him after she dumped him even if she wants the other guy. try staying out of it cos the friend could easily turn this on you and pull the "oh i only cheated cos u were trying to steal my bf and i was upset"
Reply 4
The contemplative Yahooey says that despite liking this guy and the girl being a bitch, she's still your best friend. You can't screw your best mate over.

Keep quiet, tell the guy nothing.

The contemplative Yahooey has spoken.
Reply 5
The contemplative Yahooey says that despite liking this guy and the girl being a bitch, she's still your best friend. You can't screw your best mate over.

Keep quiet, tell the guy nothing.

The contemplative Yahooey has spoken.

in all your other posts uve annoyed me. i was about to post this could get really annoying. but this reply was good. why do u refer to yourself in 3rdperson
Reply 6
The indifferent Yahooey posts in the third person for no other reason than it amuses him to do so.

The indifferent Yahooey has spoken.
Reply 7
Well, let them sort it out. To be honest, both the guy and the girl are using each other. It's not like the guy is flirting with you because he knows his gf cheated on him. So, I would just say that a guy like that isn't worth it.
Well to be honest they sound both as bad as each other, i mean if he breaks up with her and gets with you what's to stop him flirting behind your back, ask for the girl she clearly isn't happy in the relationship and to be honest she doesn't seem ready to settle down in reality.