The Student Room Group
Reply 1
This is gonna be purely subjective mate - it all depends on the person and there original confidence/character.

It's the old bike/horse analogy thing - the sooner you get back on, the sooner the fear goes away. So get back behind the wheel as soon as you can, or the nightmare just grows and looms larger till you can't face it.
I don't think there's any definate time length, it depends on the person.
Reply 3
I had a bad car accident last year and even now I still occassionally feel worried sometimes. You'll get your confidence back eventually, it will just take time.
If its affecting you really badly, maybe you should speak to your doctor or even just a friend/family member.
Reply 5
Well, thing is it was really wet the road and my car just went crazy around a big bend. it didn't have any signs or warning about the bend at all, and so i did break, but i still went hurtling into the ditch, right onto the ditch the otherside of the road too, but i managed to get the car in control and it stopped positioned, so that it was easy to drive off. No damage was done to the car and i was alone. No other cars on the road thankfully. I was on my way to pick up a friend to take them into town. I was really shook up and scared, but i haven't told anyone about it and i was really scared the whole way driving them to town, but there wasn't any problems then and the drive was fine, except for the gears twice but i think i was still shook up. I just wanted to be at home and not drive. I'm slowly getting better, and it only happened yesterday, but i'm just....scared you know?
Yeah. When something like that happens I guess it freaks you out a bit! One of my friends crashed her car and she was a bit wobbly about driving for a while after. You should have your car checked out too, just to make sure its ok and you really should let someone know about what happened. Its quite usual for newer drivers to have prangs in their car and nothing to be embarrased about.
Reply 7
Yeah but you don't know my parents.... :redface: They'd go insane lol Thanks for helping me feels so so good to get it all out
Definately definately get it checked out, not just for your safety, but you may cause irrepaairable damage.
No problem. :smile: Sometimes you need to tell someone stuff but its hard when there's a lack of people to tell.