The Student Room Group

Is this bad form?

Right, last night I went out for my birthday with a group of friends, not all of them knew each other as some were rom school, some were from outside of school. One of the groups of people who came out went after about an hour, saying they would ring us later and meet up. I was a little upset, but they text and rang us throughout the night and we met up with them in the club.

Anyway, it's another friend who I thought was pretty rude and shouldn't have done what she did. She works at a bar/restaurant in town, so we went in for a cocktail, and she met a few friends who she worked with and was just talking to them the entire time we were in there, which I didn't mind at all, then we were planning on leaving and she said she was going to stay with her work friends for a bit, which I didn't mind too much, as long as she met up with us later. I rang her a few times and text her with no reply and she never met up with us in the end. She said she had a double shift at work today so wouldn't stay out late, but the fact is she completely ditched us for her work friends.

Finally, it was my other two friends who I also thought were pretty rude. I wanted to go to a bar, and they were like 'I can't go in there, last time my friend got kicked out for not having ID', which is fair enough, but why should that make a difference to whether she can get in or not? We ended up going to bar I absolutely hate because its full of chavs, just because it was near to one of the clubs we were going to, and they could get in. While we were in there, they completely ignored me and my friends from school, and said they were going after we'd been in there for about 5 minutes. I again knew they weren't staying out late but after all the arsing around about bars they could go to, and they stayed for 5 minutes, I thought it was quite rude. After they'd left my friends all told me how bitchy they were towards them which further annoyed me.

Sorry for the length, but just want opinions on whether i'm over reacting or not?! If it was any other night I wouldn't have cared, but it was my birthday and wanted to see everyone. I wasn't even bothered about it last night as i'd had a bit to drink, but today I got all worked up about it. Opinions please.
Nah, they were rude.

But friends will be like that. I have lots of "mates" who are selfish and pathetic like that. If they are that bad, don't invite them out again or don't get pissy when they act like the gits they are.
I agree if they are like that just don't bother inviting them.
Reply 3
I didn't even think they would be, they are lovely people, I never thought they'd just do things like that.
Reply 4
yeah thats pretty terrible form! it was your birthday god dammit are you sure they really are your freinds? next time just invite your closest mates who you know wont do that to you. im sorry to hear that you didnt have the best time on your special day.

happy birthday:smile:
Reply 5
as they've all said, yeah they were rude.

i don't think you're over-reacting, you just shouldn't become that close with people like that. i can see how it ruined your birthday.
Reply 6
Thanks guys, I just wanted to check I wasn't over reacting!

It didn't ruin it last night because I did have a really good time, just thinking back it pissed me off a bit.

Least it wasn't my actual birthday (that was on 30th), or else i'd have been fuming!
Reply 7
It is a bit rude, especially the one who left you, but if you invite different groups of people, you have to compromise too. Even if it is your birthday. :tongue:
Reply 8
It is a bit rude, especially the one who left you, but if you invite different groups of people, you have to compromise too. Even if it is your birthday. :tongue:
Why should I have to compromise? No one is ever only going to have friends who only know each other. I wouldn't have minded as much if they had told me before they were going to meet different friends half way through the night, they didn't though. The one who left me knew other people there, just she got there first and only knew me before other people she knew arrived.
Reply 9
Update: My friend who went of with her workmates last night text me earlier, and although didn't appologise told me she spent the night helping her drunk friend home. So no longer mad at her, just the other two.