The Student Room Group

Best exercises for body parts

The muscular Yahooey created this thread to hear what everybody considers to be the best exercises for each individual muscle (put isolations for smaller muscles, even if you're a believer in compound lifting and no isolations). Rank them first-third.

1) Dumbbell bench presses
2) Weighted pushups between chairs
3) Wide grip barbell bench presses

1) Weighted dips
2) Close grip bench presses
3) Diamond grip weighted pushups

1) Deadlifts
2) Bent over dumbbell rows
3) Wide grip overhand weighted pullups

1) Seated preacher dumbbell curls
2) Seated incline dumbbell hammer curls
3) Close grip EZ bar curls

1) Medium grip leant forward barbell shrugs
2) Dumbbell shrugs
3) Seated incline dumbbell shrugs

1) Squats
2) Box squats
2) Leg presses

1) Barbell calf raises
2) Hack squat calf raises
3) Calf extensions on leg press

1) Dumbbell shoulder presses
2) Arnold presses
3) Wide grip military presses

1) Barbell static grip
2) Pinch 2 plates together static grip
3) Farmer's walk

The muscular Yahooey has spoken.
what about wrist muscle area?
Reply 2
The amazing Yahooey could have included forearms and separated upper and lower pectorals and put in spinal erectors, rhomboids etc. but he decided to just go for the main muscles that people know about and have experience with.

The amazing Yahooey has spoken.
The amazing Yahooey could have included forearms and separated upper and lower pectorals and put in spinal erectors, rhomboids etc. but he decided to just go for the main muscles that people know about and have experience with.

The amazing Yahooey has spoken.

can you tell anyway, please :P?
Reply 4
The accomodating Yahooey will edit in something for forearms, just to be nice.

The accomodating Yahooey has spoken.
Generally good advice, although I'd include skullcrushers for triceps and wrist curls for forearms.
Reply 6
The brilliant Yahooey would suggest that if you feel skullcrushers are a better exercise than any of the triceps ones I listed, make your own list! That's what this thread is for, so people can share their opinions of what constitute the best exercises for each body part.

Same with wrist curls, if you think brutal rep exercises are better for forearms than vicelike grip exercises, list them! It's all good baby!

The brilliant Yahooey has spoken.
1) Dumbbell bench presses
2) Wide grip barbell bench presses
3) Weighted chest dips

make sure 1) and 2) are done on an incline as well as flat

1) Skullcrushers
2) Weighted dips
3) Tricep pressdowns

1) Deadlifts
2) Bent over barbell rows
3) Overhand pullups

1) Bicep barbell curls
2) Close grip EZ bar curls
3) Dumbell bicep curls (various varieties here)

1) Barbell shrugs (heavy)
2) Upright row
3) Wide grip overhand pullups

1) Squats
2) Leg presses

all thats really necessary ^, leg extensions are ok as a warm up but pointless compared to the above

1) Calf raises
2) Calf extensions on leg press

1) Dumbbell shoulder presses
2) Wide grip military presses
3) Front/lateral raises

1) Reverse bicep curls
2) Wrist curls
3) Deadlifts
Reply 8
what about wrist muscle area?

I'd suggest using a Powerball.
Reply 9
The witty yahooey has found me again