The evil Yahooey's friend Sarah comes to see him at work, and whilst there a guy the evil Yahooey knows from school years ago came by. Anyway, basically this guy looks and sounds like a cross between a Down's Syndrome sufferer and a squirrel, despite being a completely normal and intelligent individual.
Basically, this guy has taken it upon himself to get Sarah's number and start texting her asking her out, and she is completely not interested (she is actually really, really into the evil Yahooey, but that's another issue entirely).
Is it really, really too awful of the evil Yahooey to encourage him in his pursuits when he sees him merely because it amuses the evil Yahooey to see Sarah squirm, despite him knowing the guy has no chance, or is it all in good fun?
Note: the evil Yahooey knows that it isn't a nice thing to do, but is it too bad that he shouldn't do it at all?
The evil Yahooey has spoken.