The Student Room Group

Levest Pill - Tricycling help.

Hi all,

I'm new here and was just looking for a bit of help.

I have recently started the Levest pill on a tricycling basis (taking three packets and then having a four day break for those who aren't familiar) I was just wondering if anyone has experience heavy spotting and breakthrough bleeding as much as I have. Has happened on two separate occasions since I began taking the pill and has lasted far longer than a normal period would. I am probably being paranoid but being so new to the contraceptive pill, I thought it good to get other opinions on it.

Is anyone else on the Levest pill? Or has anyone experienced quite heavy spotting in the first few months? Please tell me it gets better!

Thank you :smile:

I can't say much to your question as I have never done this. But I have been on and off microgynon / levest for years. (They are both the same combined pill they are just called different names due to the manufacturer, I think).

I was just wondering why do you take three packets in a row then have a 4 day break? Did your prescriber say you could do this? (curious)

(I have always taken my pills as 21 days on pills and 7 days off pills and I have never had any real problems except for bad nausea for the first 2 days of each pack - usually in the mornings)