The Student Room Group
Whenever I got to gigs at Birmingham Academy, they start around 7/half 7 & I have to make sure I catch the train back, the last train usually being at 11:20pm & I've never missed it. Gigs starting at half 7 are probably likely to finish no later than half 10/11. The annoying thing about gigs I find is all the waiting around; half an hour to an hour for the support act to come on then half an hour for the actual band. It's worth it though!
Reply 2
Whenever I got to gigs at Birmingham Academy, they start around 7/half 7 & I have to make sure I catch the train back, the last train usually being at 11:20pm & I've never missed it. Gigs starting at half 7 are probably likely to finish no later than half 10/11. The annoying thing about gigs I find is all the waiting around; half an hour to an hour for the support act to come on then half an hour for the actual band. It's worth it though!

so if the last train is at 11.46 I'm unlikley to miss it!?
Reply 3
^yes. most venues have an 11pm curfew.
Reply 4
You can call up the venue and check :smile:
Reply 5
most gigs ive been to have ended at 11 or 11:30.
some gigs dont start on time and might end up going in a bit later
Gigs never start at the time suggested by the ticket. This is when doors open - there's always a lot of waiting around / support bands etc.
I've never been to a gig which finished later than 11pm, however.
They never finish past 11 for me also. Even if it does finish late, you could always leave a little earlier.
Reply 8
So 3 hours is about average?
Reply 9
yeah there's no way you'll miss an 11.46 train. 7/7.30 doors gigs, unless otherwise stated, will finish by about 10.50pm for an 11pm curfew.
3-3 1/2 hours is about right for your average gig from doors open to end of main act :biggrin:
yeah I'd say it'd be finished by 11ish, so sure, you'll be fine =]
Reply 11
So a gig with 7pm doors would finish at around 10?
Reply 12
gigs at 6/6.30pm doors generally have 10pm curfews (so everyone out by 10), which is done by places that have clubnights on after usually - birmingham academy at weekends prime example. 7pm it depends. you'll probably be out by 10.30ish but it's best to check the curfew for that night with the venue, they usually have it on their websites.
I have been to a 7.30pm doors gig that had a 10.30pm curfew.
All you can really guarantee is that you'll be out by 11 :biggrin:
Reply 13
Seems like I'll have to leave a bit early, because it is on a Sunday and the last train is at 10:20, doors are at 7.
So a gig with 7pm doors would finish at around 10?

Probably not. It usually takes 30 minutes to an hour before the first band comes on stage. Most headlining bands would only be about half way through their set at 10:20... so you'd probably miss a fair chunk of their performance.

I had the same dilemma in July when I went to see Sigur Rós. It was on a Tuesday night, and the last train was at 10:10. My plan was to leave half way through their set, but it was so amazing that I ended up getting a taxi all the way home for £70. :cool:

I wouldn't encourage that kind of behaviour though. Unless you really love the band you want to see, or have a ridiculous amount of money to burn.
Reply 15
That's a bugger...unless we can organise a lift (there will be 8-10 people going and I have to organise it :eek:)
Reply 16
Just found out that the curfew is 10:30, so we shouldn't miss too much :smile: