The Student Room Group


Basically i need some advice from some ladies. Well complicated but here goes. My mum died 4 weeks ago and i've been off work since but theres this girl from work who is also a neighbour that i've liked for ages, she knows i liked her, and the other day she got my number and text me to see how i was doing and if she could do anything. In later text she asked if i wanted to go for a drink and a chat, we loosely arranged to go friday if i was feeling like it. I didnt text her friday and neither did she so it didnt happened. I need to if she was just being nice or she wanted a date cos i'm too scared to text her again. Any help from would be nice

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you should see her again make up some excuse 4 why u neva texted and then rearrange for a next date i think xx
Reply 2
As I don't know her it's hard for me to give an accurate answer but I imagine she was just trying to be nice to you because of your mum. It might be worth organising a proper date with her if you do like her a lot.
Well i don't think you had much to lose by going for a drink with her, as sarah says why not re-arrange another day out.
Reply 4
Dunno she s quite quiet in a group but speaks her mind on her own, the problem is that i dunno if she actually wanted to go out for a drink with me or was just being nice so dunno whether to rearrange
I'm sure she did, but she was actually expecting you to text her. Arrange another date and see how it turns out.
Reply 6
as you can tell i'm not very good with this stuff, what should i text her so she knows i wanna go but dont seem desperate?
Reply 7
Sorry, i meant to text you earlier but i just got a bit preoccupied. Are you interested in going out for a drink?
Reply 8
Sorry, i meant to text you earlier but i just got a bit preoccupied. Are you interested in going out for a drink?

Yes please :love:.
Reply 9
you wish :smile:, or maybe not: "orientation:white" heh!
Reply 10
thats sounds desperate, like the only thing on my mind
Reply 11 it doesnt, you are paranoid :smile:

its polite, and shows you are interested in her, imo. good luck
Reply 12
well im sorry to hear about your mum, however i think just text back saying is it okay if we meet up, if she cares for you, which it looks like she does she will text back! :smile: and to answer your question, i think she was just being nice however she does care for you as she did have to text you but she did
Reply 13
i think i m just gonna leave it then, speak to her at work. Also speak to this guy who is always telling me to ask her out and talks to her a lot. Any more views from girls on what she really meant?
Reply 14
sounds like cold feet imo :smile: You won't know for sure unless you ask her.
Reply 15
yea pretty much, i'm quite shy
Reply 16
you need to put yourself out there if you are actually interested, if shes interested in you, she wont think that you are desperate, but rather thats shes got an opportunity. If she isnt interested in you, then she will probbly say so, but you have to ask to know for sure. It might be a little embarassing if you are shy and since you have been friends for a long time, but you arent asking to marry her, just for a drink, she may even interpret it as a casual meeting anyway. Nothing to lose, except a little pride :smile:
Reply 17
I think Mangaroos text sounded fine. Much better coming from you than via someone else at work. You can't be too shy to send a text! Do it now and report back.
Reply 18
Sorry, i meant to text you earlier but i just got a bit preoccupied. Are you interested in going out for a drink?

come on, this is perfect. No one here can tell you whether she really likes you since we don't her and believe it or not, not all girls are the same :wink:

But if you do wanna go out with her, you want her to know you're interested. Because the way it is right now, she might just think you're really not and just didn't want to hurt her feelings. Chances are she might not ask again if you don't make a move now, since she already has.
It would be stupid if both of you thought the other wasn't interested and just never went out even though you'd both want to, wouldn't it?
Well i don't think you had much to lose by going for a drink with her, as sarah says why not re-arrange another day out.

agreed :smile: