The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Do cleaners actually come into our rooms? I hope not
Reply 2
Depends on the uni. They do in Aberdeen. Why don't you want them in there, what do you have to hide? :wink:
Cleaners rarely come into your rooms. I know my friend at Manchester had someone hoover her room but thats it.

They say you aren't allowed posters or anything on your walls (especially not with drawing pins) as they mark the walls, but white-tac should be fine as it leaves no marks. You might get room inspections once a term, which they might mention about the posters, but they are generally to check for things like candles, halogen lamps, etc.
Reply 4
Cleaners came into our rooms once a week.

We were told to use white tack as apposed to blue tack as it doesn't leave so much of a mark. However, it's not as if they're going to check behind every poster in the halls.
Reply 5
Also will I look like a **** carrying a huge framed poster on the first day?
Reply 6
I had quite a few posters up, I used blu-tak but luckily it didn't really leave any marks. At my uni, the cleaners came in once a week to empty the bathroom bin and that was it.
Reply 7
I think that the only problem you will have is with the frame.

Posters are easy to put up with blu/white-tac, but securing a frame (safely) could be tricky, or cause an argument with the uni, so be careful.
It doesn't matter what people think of you taking a framed poster into your room lol. If it makes you feel more comfortable in a different environment then you don't owe anyone an explanation.

White tack is probably your best bet, but like other people have said it might not be strong enough to keep a framed print on the wall securely.
Reply 9
Its called a "value frame" and from what I read, it sounds pretty light. Might invest in a couple of packs, to hold the thing up. Thanks for all your help people.
Reply 10
I have the feeling i'm not allowed posters...but we don't have cleaners so I should be okay by using white-tack.
Surely if we're paying to rent the room we'd be allowed to do anything as long as it doesn't cause damage or infringe insurance terms?
Reply 12
Nope. You pay rent to stay in the rooms, in accordance with the terms laid out by the university.

Normally, the terms state that you are not allowed to go making holes in the walls, or pretty much anything else which can be seen as a permanent change.
Reply 13
I'm going to UCLan and they say that you're only allowed to put up posters on a small noticeboard, which sucks, because I wanted them on my walls. :frown:
Reply 14
most unis have quite strict policies that aren't actually inforced. Posters are okay as long as you use white-tack. Frames are generally too heavy and need to be drilled in with a hook. Which won't bhe allowed but if you think you can do it with lots of white tack, then that should be ok.
I'm in a rented house and i'm not allowed to put anything on my walls at all, which is rubbish coz i've got loads of pictures and stuff to put up! Can't you get like really small picture hooks which hardly make a mark? bet they'd never even notice!
Reply 16
Well if they're gonna be funny I'll just prop it up on my desk behind my laptop..hmm that could look better anyway. also anyone used these before:

Brainwave: if I stick it with no more nails they'll have no option but to leave it up there!
Reply 17
Well if they're gonna be funny I'll just prop it up on my desk behind my laptop..hmm that could look better anyway. also anyone used these before:

Brainwave: if I stick it with no more nails they'll have no option but to leave it up there!

those bostik things will take the plaster off the wall when you try to get them off.
My Uni says we can decorate our walls with as many posters as we want, as long as it's with blue tac, not pins or anything. Anything that needs to be pinned has to go in the notice board.
Reply 19
Anyone know a good website to get posters off? :smile: