The Student Room Group

miss him

okay so my bf has gone away for a while and i havnt seen him for 5 months now!! :frown: i'm really missing him lately die to me being home from the summer holidays and stuff, i cant go with my friends because there parents are a bit protective and so are mine, i've just looked at his pictures that hes sent me and it makes me feel a bit better however i then start to remember all the time we had together! i really miss him and wanted help to how i can keep myself bussy? thank you!
i really miss him and wanted help to how i can keep myself bussy? thank you!

Spray paint yourself red, add four heavy duty wheels and one irrate bus-driver, voilà...
Reply 2
no thats not what i ment, i mean i'm cleaning/phoning people up etc however i cant get my mind of him, so i was just looking for suggestions
Reply 3
give him a call perhaps, it'll make you feel a bit better bout the situation if you have some reassurance from him when you REALLY miss him. Everyday missing-ness (new word i invented:biggrin: ) best thing to do is keep yourself busy like you said, do things like hobbies or treat yourself to a film, things that take up some time! thats all the advice i can give im afraid...
okay so my bf has gone away for a while and i havnt seen him for 5 months now!! :frown: i'm really missing him lately die to me being home from the summer holidays and stuff, i cant go with my friends because there parents are a bit protective and so are mine, i've just looked at his pictures that hes sent me and it makes me feel a bit better however i then start to remember all the time we had together! i really miss him and wanted help to how i can keep myself bussy? thank you!

Get a new bf. A local one.
Reply 5
Spray paint yourself red, add four heavy duty wheels and one irrate bus-driver, voilà...

Reply 6
where's he gone? people like you give me hope for when my boyfriend goes away x