The Student Room Group
Reply 1
hes being a coward how much self-esteem do you want to keep by getting some closure (before i can recommend anything...)
He's a ********. If you want to talk to him, phone him, but I'd make that your last time ever.
What an absolute coward, he didn't even have the guts to tell you in person, he was probably having an affair and didn't have the guts to tell you that either.

Your better off without that ass in your life, it's his loss.
omg nine months!!! and he did it by email????
maybe you should just forget him
Reply 5
he is just not good enough about you honey.

Reply 6
yea that happened to me, didnt get anything, not even a reason why.
sucks, but it happens and you can get over it :smile:
Reply 7
yes it is
Reply 8
Thanks guys, I still like him though and need the closure
Worst thing is we're both going 2 the same college at Durham for the same subject so I'll have 2 see him all the time & he hasn't given me a reason for ending our r/ship.
Thanks guys, I still like him though and need the closure
Worst thing is we're both going 2 the same college at Durham for the same subject so I'll have 2 see him all the time & he hasn't given me a reason for ending our r/ship.

Just don't show you are upset around him, as i said the chances are he ended it because he's seeing someone else, but as i said be strong, if he tries to worm his way back, don't let him.
i know how you feel.i went out with my ex for 2 1/2 years..he dumped me by email...a short and cryptic one at that with no real explainations..

i know how you feel about not having emial isnt enough..theres something about typed text, white pages and hotmail that just arnt need to hear it from their voice... but remember that he has been an absolute arse and DONT lower yourself to call him, later on..maybe a few months down the line if your still feeling torn then for now youll only make him satisfied by calling around after him..maybe send him an email bakc but NOT when your in a emotionally charged state, and dont send it straight away..type one out..leave it and come back to it...then you can pick out the bits that youve let slip about how much the break up has hurt you and remove them...i find being clinical is best

the fact that youll see him in durham means that reasons will probably crop up later when your face to face so no rush....just dont show your hurt....and try not to do the obvious mistakes and pretend your REALLY REALLY HAPPY AND HAVING LOADS OF just leads to them retaliating and you feeling bad....just stay calm act normal and go out with friends to take mind of it.avoid msn
Reply 11
Thanks, I just want 2 know if he cheated on me really and he hasn't called, so I cant find out.
Reply 12
I just want 2 know if he cheated on me

why? what will it change?? forget about him and move on.
what a complete bumhole he is! My god, posts like this always make me so mad. bone-machine is very intelligent and you should do as she says! When you see him at college ignore him and let him know what he is missing out on. Until college starts again just throw yourself into seeing your friends and any people you might have lost contact with over summer/while you've not been single. I know how upset you are, i got dumped once with no explanation in person at 4am in the morning when I was at the guys house and I still don't know what went wrong! I was devastated at the time but now I just settle for knowing that he is missing out and I am much better off now than I was then. If he is going to be such a coward he isn't worth your time, so please don't let him know you are thinking about him. By all means get all you girly friends round though and have a huge bitching session!
Reply 14
jinx mangaroo!


Mmmmmmmmhmmhmhmhmhm mmaanngggggarrrrmmmmmmmmooooo smmmsaammmyyyymmmmmmmmmm iiimmmtttmmmm
Thanks, I just want 2 know if he cheated on me really and he hasn't called, so I cant find out.

i dont think he cheated on you, hes probably just a coward..... if he had he'd probably want to rub your face in it in the email.

i think you should get on the phone/msn to your friends NOW..(block him)..friends are THE BEST thing you can do to keep your mind off him
