i know how you feel.i went out with my ex for 2 1/2 years..he dumped me by email...a short and cryptic one at that with no real explainations..
i know how you feel about not having closure..an emial isnt enough..theres something about typed text, white pages and hotmail that just arnt enough..you need to hear it from their voice... but remember that he has been an absolute arse and DONT lower yourself to call him, later on..maybe a few months down the line if your still feeling torn then try.bt for now youll only make him satisfied by calling around after him..maybe send him an email bakc but NOT when your in a emotionally charged state, and dont send it straight away..type one out..leave it and come back to it...then you can pick out the bits that youve let slip about how much the break up has hurt you and remove them...i find being clinical is best
the fact that youll see him in durham means that reasons will probably crop up later when your face to face so no rush....just dont show your hurt....and try not to do the obvious mistakes and pretend your REALLY REALLY HAPPY AND HAVING LOADS OF FUN..it just leads to them retaliating and you feeling bad....just stay calm act normal and go out with friends to take mind of it.avoid msn