The Student Room Group
Reply 1
1. No
2l. Yep - my male mate works there
3. I believe so, shall ask my friend on thursday if you havent found out by then
Reply 2
I worked at Greggs and they give you a 50% discount on any food or drinks you buy. I know a few guys that work there so it's not all female dominated.

I left a few months ago because I got stressed out and the shift times they wanted me to work were horrible. I had to do early morning shifts and start work at 6.30am or 7:00am. The worst thing is I didn't live that near to it so my mum had to drop me there every Saturday. It was mainly in the winter because the mornings were so dark.

As a weekend staff I think you have to work a minimum of six hours. They aren't a bad company to work for but after awhile I couldn't handle it. Good luck if you apply though!
I work at a greggs
my managers are absolutely great so its a good job for me.
in answer to your questions
1) No, none what so ever, theres no real cooking involved.
2) i work with several guys-in my opinion they get it better than me-better uniform hehe.
3) 50% off all bakery products and 30% off all non bakery products-coke bottles,crisps etc
hope that helped
just yell if you want to know anything else
Reply 4
I work at a greggs
my managers are absolutely great so its a good job for me.
in answer to your questions
1) No, none what so ever, theres no real cooking involved.
2) i work with several guys-in my opinion they get it better than me-better uniform hehe.
3) 50% off all bakery products and 30% off all non bakery products-coke bottles,crisps etc
hope that helped
just yell if you want to know anything else

When I worked there we got 50% off for everything. Does the discount vary from store to store?
I work there atm. We get 50% off food, and 25% off drinks. You get free tea/coffee as well (though not hot chocolate :frown: .) You only get the discount if it's on a day that you're working, though, and if you're not buying in bulk.

Edit: Just seen that this is quite an old thread - sorry
Reply 6
I want to apply for Greggs but it has a reputation for middle aged ladies working there so that is a turn off. Would also much prefer to work "backstage" instead of on the till, so dunno.
Joey C
I want to apply for Greggs but it has a reputation for middle aged ladies working there so that is a turn off.

Really? The majority of staff in the two Greggs in my town are young, ie. twenties or teens!
Reply 8
Really? The majority of staff in the two Greggs in my town are young, ie. twenties or teens!

Well maybe not middle aged, but women. Would feel very bad working with about 6 women and 1 guy.
Reply 9
My friend who works there gets FREE FOOD at the end of the day i.e. 6pm or 4pm.

I'm think they either throw it all away, or sell it back to the manufacturer - I'm not quite sure.
Reply 10
I think it all depends what regional Greggs you work for. I work for Yorkshire and nope you don't need any experience it was/is my first job started a month after I was 16 so you don't need to leave school to work there. I get 50% off all food which Greggs produce then 1/3rd off drinks and crisps. I also have a discount card so can get discount in any Greggs throughout the country, this is only available after a years service though. We have 2 guys working at our store they get use to being around all us women :P

Oh the food all gets sent back to the bakery at the end of the day and possibly sold in second stores. Oh and my contract is only for 4 hours on a weekend although this usually ends up being 6+.