The Student Room Group

Being short... Harder to get respect?

I am short, usually it doesn't bother me at all - in fact I quite like being small :smile:

However :mad: >>

There are other times when I feel people don't respect me in ways such as, standing in front of me as if I am not there, having to shout to be listened to (e.g. "I'm down here!) or generally getting the feeling that I'm some sort of freakshow that they find entertaining :eek:

I dunno... maybe I'm just being paranoid but these things really p*ss me off :frown: it's so inconsiderate and disrespectful!

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THose sorts of people are just inconsiderate, any normal person would would respect you no matter how tall or short you are. I'm only 5 feet 7.
Reply 2
get free kiddies ticket on the bus as well
Reply 3
THose sorts of people are just inconsiderate, any normal person would would respect you no matter how tall or short you are. I'm only 5 feet 7.

Hmmm I see where you're coming from here actually.
I'm 5ft and find people are generally ok towards me. But whenever at work, I try to stand my ground (:p:), the only reaction goes along the lines of awww never mind...that really annoys me!
It's quite useful to just prod people in the stomach until they pay attention to you. I guess that's not so great if there are loads of people...
I wish I were 6'2" rather than 6'0". But no taller.
Reply 7
I'm 5'1" and I find it much harder to get peoples attention. It's almost impossible to get served at bars and I find it hard to pull because I'm in no one's eye line (or at least that's what I tell myself!). I do love being short though so I know what you mean.
Reply 8
I'm just known as 'cute' as i'm small!! Everyone talks to me like i'm a baby most of the time and it's so annoying!!! I get really put off going out to bars and things and i always get ID and questioned - when i can see blatant 16yr olds who are tall going in no problem!!!

Is annoying but got to live with it!!

Reply 9
I'm 5"3 and don't really find my height any saort of disadvantage. Infact I quite enjoy being small
Reply 10
I wish I were 6'2" rather than 6'0". But no taller.

I am, almost exactly 6"2

I'm 5'1" and I find it much harder to get peoples attention. It's almost impossible to get served at bars and I find it hard to pull because I'm in no one's eye line (or at least that's what I tell myself!). I do love being short though so I know what you mean.

im only an inch taller than you but i dont usually have problems at the bar tbh, specially with male barstaff :wink:

what i really hate is people picking me up just because im short.
Reply 12
lol puppy.

Out of interest, original poster, are you male or female? And how tall are you ;o

no it's because you look like danny devito

lmao, quite the goon you are. :]
Reply 13
high priestess fnord
im only an inch taller than you but i dont usually have problems at the bar tbh, specially with male barstaff :wink:

what i really hate is people picking me up just because im short.

I even have problems with male barstaff although I don't know why, I'm pretty sure I'm not completely grotesque to look at, maybe I just don't have any kind of appeal.

Don't think anyone would dare to pick me up. I weigh the same as a 'normal' height person anyway so I tend to advise people against it if they do risk trying.

Actually the other awful thing about being short but weighing a lot is having to explain to the boat club every year that whilst you're 5'1" they'd be better off looking for a cox that didn't weight 9 and a half stone! It's so embarassing.
Reply 14
Good luck finding a bloke who would actually go out with you. Cause it won't happen. Don't even need to be able to read the future to see that.

as long as he was tall it would be fine

no need to get all jealous darling xxxxxx
Reply 15
put me off sex permanantley and turned me gay

Lame and also really mean.
Reply 16
And that's enough of that, thank you.
THose sorts of people are just inconsiderate, any normal person would would respect you no matter how tall or short you are. I'm only 5 feet 7.

I'd respect you, but I'm 5 foot 7 as well.
Reply 18
Hah. What a shame our friend Ross loss a gem. :[
Reply 19
i'm just playing people, you all need to lighten up a bit it was obvious i was just joking from the start!

ps im still straight girls youre very lucky