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although argos do some ok fob watches, and if you want something nicer you could go to a jeweler for that.

i've generally found that you acquire most things as you go along though, from placements and that.
Reply 2

although argos do some ok fob watches, and if you want something nicer you could go to a jeweler for that.

i've generally found that you acquire most things as you go along though, from placements and that.

which are the best nursing scissors to buy/ was thinking of getting myself a pair if they weren't too priceyt....
Reply 3
which are the best nursing scissors to buy/ was thinking of getting myself a pair if they weren't too priceyt....

Depends what you're gonna use them for, but I've found that bandage scissors are pretty much good for anything. Either them or those cute little sterile dressing scissors. Seriously, everyone should own a pair of them.
Reply 5
I just bought a student nurse pack from and its great. Try there for bits and bobs also. Delivery service was good to.
Reply 6
i bought some mini plastic handled lister bandage scissors and they are really handy for everything and you can get them in different colours.
double post
lister bandage scissors are ok, but their use in modern nursing is limited, becasue aseptic procedure wouild require some sterile scissors which are only single use and when removing dressings, particulary on the elderly, its very easy to tear the skin so you will probably find unravelling dressings is more appropriate. a fob watch is a necessity for obs and shizzle. black pen, red pen, fob watch agogo.

oh and a pen torch can come in handy when you are in the later years of study.
which are the best nursing scissors to buy/ was thinking of getting myself a pair if they weren't too priceyt....

the green handled single use disposable ones which live in every treatment room and are 'free'
We sometimes have a little shop come to at our nursing school seeling most things like that. :^_^: So that's handy. I broke my Sphygmomanometer though. :o:
I love the t-shirt on that site haha! :biggrin:
but why would any nursing student need their own sphyg?
out of interest, what nursing acsessories do i need????
black pen, red pen, fob watch, (possibly) some bandage scissors, some students like to carry a little notebook with them as well...aside from that the ward provides the rest of stuff that gets used. some nurses use stethoscopes but these are usually specialist areas (like icu where they provide them per bedspace for infection control).
Reply 14
A good little notebook can be bought from wilkinson's - I got a bunch of little ones for 10p that I just throw in my pocket!
see fob watches are debatable here at the qmc...not seen any nurses wear them, and seen more wearing the wrist ones..
in most trusts its a bit naughty to be wearing a wrist watch, but a watch is very handy none the less. although our matron has just had the bright idea that fob watches must be pinned to inside pockets, just in case it falls off and hits a patient-causing massive blunt trauma.
Reply 17
davey jones
in most trusts its a bit naughty to be wearing a wrist watch, but a watch is very handy none the less. although our matron has just had the bright idea that fob watches must be pinned to inside pockets, just in case it falls off and hits a patient-causing massive blunt trauma.

That matron doesn't seem to trust in the power of a good fob watch! Inside pockets is a little 'interesting' to say the least. It kind of defeats the purpose of a fob watch!
Reply 18
I bought a sphyg because i needed to learn how to use a manual one, and i must admit i found it very helpful. Not all areas have electronic sphygs. At least i know how to take a blood pressure manually. Thats also how the university expected us to learn.
yes, but you only need to be shown once. It really isn't a particularly difficult skill to acquire. anyway dude, it is your money, my opinion doesnt matter.