The Student Room Group

Another height thread

Hey, I'm above average height for a guy but wish that I was a little taller (I am 5'11 so nothing to worry about really) but I just thought I would share this website with everyone: I ordered shoes that increase my height by 2.6 inches so I am taller but not drastically so.

Just thought I'd share this idea with anyone who was worried about their height as there have been a few threads on this recently.
Reply 1
lol sounds bit crazy to care about your height at 5'11.... where are all these threads coming from today?
I think this one came from the rest. And those ones came from people being worried about their height.

Reply 3
u have nothing to worry about im only 5ft 7inchs!! i am so short, maybe i'll chek out dat site! or maybe
Reply 4
I wouldn't think twice about a guy being 5'11. I would, however, be a bit concerned about a guy who appeared to be 6'2 but who shrunk 3 inches every time he took his shoes off. I'd say don't bother with them!
haha at those shoes!

I'd rather be with someone shorter than me rather than someone wearing height enhancing shoes :wink:

Infact my partner was shorter so!
I can understand where you are coming from. I am just under 6'2'' (quite a bit above average) and I wish i could be taller like 6'5'' +. I guess it was because i was a very short child; which resulted in me wanting to be some kind of giant. But as there is nothing I can do about it, i dont try or worry really.

In regard to the shoes, i would not bother. Once you start wearing them, i think you will have a hard time taking them off, as the change will be so pronounced. I think this will cause more problems, as you will want to wear the shoes when ever you have company.

Your height is above average just be satisfied knowing that; you are not horribly short, you could benefit from being taller (as could most) but there is no real problem. As it stands, there is nothing much that can be done about height (apart from the shoes) and I think that could become something that would get ridiculed.
Reply 7
lol.. imagine a world of 7 foot tall people =/ i mean.. isnt 6foot tall enough already??? big guys eat too much food... the amount of food they eat would be enough to feed at least 2 small guys from poorer countries

lol... just being sarcastic :biggrin:
Try sitting in class next to a 7footer, day in and day out. it even makes big guys feel small.
magna cum laude
you could benefit from being taller (as could most)


why would anyone benefit from being taller or shorter.

Appearance doesn't make you a better person.
Reply 10
Oh no wait, he's going to refer to those studies that say the taller you are the more you earn. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Yeah cause being 6'8 just fills you with good looks,talents,intellligence.
Oh no wait, he's going to refer to those studies that say the taller you are the more you earn. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Yeah cause being 6'8 just fills you with good looks,talents,intellligence.

haha fills you, makes me think the taller you are, the more there is to fill!
Reply 12
It says a lot about a person that theyre so insecure as to have to wear shoes to gain those extra inches...but to be fair, don't women do that most days? It's almost sexist to say you wouldn't respect a man for doing something similar to what you do everyday.

(this coming from an 18 year old guy standing at a proud 5'8")
It says a lot about a person that theyre so insecure as to have to wear shoes to gain those extra inches...but to be fair, don't women do that most days? It's almost sexist to say you wouldn't respect a man for doing something similar to what you do everyday.

(this coming from an 18 year old guy standing at a proud 5'8")

I'm 6' so I don't wear heels :wink:

Surely though women just wear what shoes look good? Suppose some do it to look taller.
Have you lot even had yourselves measured? I bet you're smaller than you think.
Reply 15
Don't worry about it. Personally, I think your insecure about your height and if you are 5 foot 11 there really is nothing for you to worry about. So chin up and really don't worry its nothing to be concerned about .
Reply 16
ok the guy in the last thread was 5'7 so fair enough. i'm 5'5 and you don't hear me moaning. to be quite honest i felt sick reading your whinge. get over yourself. its pathetic

increasing deary me

suppose you checked that right after
Reply 17
ok having calmed down from my rant, i realise you were only trying to help those concerned with their height. but you have no need to wish you were a little taller
Reply 18
Don't forget that regular shoes add one to one and a half inches anyway, so these shoes will 'only' give you an extra inch overall.