The Student Room Group

accounting and finance degree with chemistry and biology????

hey peeps ive planned to do biology, chemistry & maths A levels and then go on to do a finance degree. i HAVE DROPPED ECONOMICS! its coz i needed AAA predicted to get into the uni i want and the economics teacher was giving me a B but i having concerns whether its alright to get into this degree with these subjects?? Will the unis mind that i dropped economics??? pla help :confused: :confused: :confused:
Reply 1
Yeah dpnt worry about it, econ isnt needed, in fact maths is more velued than econ. what course asks for AAA, all i seen is ABB or AAB, i wanna do acc + fin to :smile:
Reply 2
hey peeps ive planned to do biology, chemistry & maths A levels and then go on to do a finance degree. i HAVE DROPPED ECONOMICS! its coz i needed AAA predicted to get into the uni i want and the economics teacher was giving me a B but i having concerns whether its alright to get into this degree with these subjects?? Will the unis mind that i dropped economics??? pla help :confused: :confused: :confused:

Look at prspectuses and entry requirements, they will tell you if you need particular subjects... if not any subject will do as long as you get the grades! :biggrin: