The Student Room Group

staying over at his...

Hiya, I was wondering if anyone could help me on this one. I'm possibly staying over at my boyfriends for the first time soon and I'm a bit worried about the something. You see, (this is going to sound so stupid), I'm the sort of person who wears a bit of makeup because I REALLY don't like the way the way I look without it, as in REALLY really. It took me a long time to let my girl mates see me without makeup. I'm not talking about loads, just eyemake up, but it makes a noticable difference.

I'm really nervous about him seeing me without any makeup on incase he see's the difference it makes and see's me without it in the same way I see myself. I don't think he's the sort of person to who it would be too big a deal to, but I'm still nervous. Do I take it off before we go to bed, which means that as, ahem, stuff's happenning I 'll be looking disgusting, get up afterwards and do it, which would be awkward, or not bother, which means it'll look a mess in the morning? I know how pathetic this sounds, especially compared to some of the other problems people on here have, but it's really bugging me and I'm really nervous because I really, really hate the way I look without it. Any thoughts anyone? :s-smilie:

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Reply 1
So you're sleeping in the same bed? You could always just leave it on overnight, then before he gets up in the morning, pop to the loo and redo it quickly. That's what I do.
Reply 2
In all honesty, you're probably the only one who thinks that make-up makes a HUGE difference to you. Sure, other people, your boyfriend included might notice, but they probably won't really care, or might even like you better without it. They almost certainly won't think you look disgusting.

If you want to keep your make up on for sex, then do - if you snuggle and stuff and just pop off to the toilet and take it off before you fall asleep, it's not really awkward or rude. But most of all, realise that it's more of an issue for you than it will be for him.
Reply 3
lol i used to be the same... first time my bf stopped at mine i wudnt let him look at me... if he really likes you he'll say something like "u look beautiful no matter what"

now my bf puts up with waking up after a night out next to alice cooper coz i've passed out and not taken off my eye liner! lol
Reply 4
I have to say that my not-wearing-makeup-unless-it's-really-important philosophy is much easier to deal with. No worries about panda eyes, and no panicking that someone will find you hideous without makeup.
i dont think he'll mind how you look the morning after, as long as he's had a good time :p:
Reply 6
i cant leave the house without my slap on and my eyeliner... i feel like a mole without eye liner.. even tho i have big eyes!
Reply 7
I like the way my girlfriend looks when she wakes up, without make-up on; she looks more natural and prettier, so I don't understand what the all the fuss is about. Saying that, I don't actually notice whether she's wearing make-up half the time, so maybe I'm just not very observant when it comes to these kind of things.

You know what, screw the whole 'make-up thing', I don't particulary care either way; it's not going to make me change my opinion about her, and I doubt it will for your boyfriend.

Heh, my post was unhelpful. Oh well, such is life.
he might think you are more beautiful without the make sure he cares about you too much to let a bit of make-up that your not wearing put him off........:smile:
men arent very observant when it comes to whether you have make up on or not, my boyfriend thinks i dont look any different with it on or off... so its either that or im REALLY bad at applying make up :confused:
Reply 10
The Ninja
I like the way my girlfriend looks when she wakes up, without make-up on; she looks more natural and prettier, so I don't understand what the all the fuss is about. Saying that, I don't actually notice whether she's wearing make-up half the time, so maybe I'm just not very observant when it comes to these kind of things.

You know what, screw the whole 'make-up thing', I don't particulary care either way; it's not going to make me change my opinion about her, and I doubt it will for your boyfriend.

Heh, my post was unhelpful. Oh well, such is life.

Meh, if you think she's beautiful and you don't know if she's wearing make up or not, does it matter?

Bizarrely, I think the fact that I don't regularly wear make up now and am confident without it comes from the fairly nasty bullying I had in school. I basically developed the idea that I was SO ugly compared with the other girls in my year that no matter how much makeup I used, I couldn't possibly change that even to be in the same league as them. So I felt it wasn't even worth trying, especially as I have a funny skin condition which would be basically impossible to cover.

Nowadays, I know I'm still never going to stop any cars in the street, but because I'm used to not wearing makeup, it just doesn't bother me. I'm not the most beautiful woman ever, and a bit of slap wouldn't change that, so if people don't like what they see, it's not my problem, and at least I haven't gone to loads of effort to still look crap. Of course, I'll make an effort for special occasions, or to cover up a really horrid spot or whatever, and then it is nice, but in a way I feel it's more nice because I DON'T usually do it.
Reply 11
I have to say that my not-wearing-makeup-unless-it's-really-important philosophy is much easier to deal with. No worries about panda eyes, and no panicking that someone will find you hideous without makeup.


It also means that it's great fun when you do bother with a bit of make-up on a special occasion, because the reactions you get from people can be soooo funny!

Anyway, to OP:
He is very unlikely to care if you're wearing perfect make-up or not when he wakes up next to you. I would expect that he would just be happy to wake up to see you there with him.

Besides, who expects somebody to look fantastic in the morning? Most people are lucky if they look human, rather than just like a monster :wink:
I rarely wear make-up unless I am going out - when I do wear make-up people notice more and are more likely to comment. I do like wearing make-up but am just as happy without it on.

I don't have a boyfriend at the moment but my ex wasn't bothered that I didn't wear make-up. If a guy is bothered about how you look without make-up, he doesn't deserve you to be honest.
Meh, if you think she's beautiful and you don't know if she's wearing make up or not, does it matter?

Bizarrely, I think the fact that I don't regularly wear make up now and am confident without it comes from the fairly nasty bullying I had in school. I basically developed the idea that I was SO ugly compared with the other girls in my year that no matter how much makeup I used, I couldn't possibly change that even to be in the same league as them. So I felt it wasn't even worth trying, especially as I have a funny skin condition which would be basically impossible to cover.

Nowadays, I know I'm still never going to stop any cars in the street, but because I'm used to not wearing makeup, it just doesn't bother me. I'm not the most beautiful woman ever, and a bit of slap wouldn't change that, so if people don't like what they see, it's not my problem, and at least I haven't gone to loads of effort to still look crap. Of course, I'll make an effort for special occasions, or to cover up a really horrid spot or whatever, and then it is nice, but in a way I feel it's more nice because I DON'T usually do it.
Ultimately, I know it doesn't matter one tiny bit.

That's quite a depressing attitude about yourself you have, though! If I was going for a rather 'Disney'-esque moment, I'd comment on 'inner-beauty' and all that jazz, but I can't be bothered, and you've probably heard it before so many times having to moderate on this forum that it would be boring. I guess it's all about what you're comfortable wearing, but I always thought wearing make up everytime you go out was rather a thing of the past, associated with the 'older' generation of women. It seems, from reading the majority of the posts, I was wrong.
Reply 14
Most boyfriends seem to like there girlfriends no-make-up/messed up hair look first thing in the morning. :smile:

He'll be able to see the cuteness in it :smile:

Sounds to me that your only wearing the make-up to help your confidence and no other reason. I'm sure that you look fine without it! :smile:

Theres always the idea of keeping lights off/low once your make-up's off :smile:
Reply 15
i was dead nervous about my ex seeing me with no makeup on. i always have really bad whiteheads when i wake up too and awful morning breath. but he had no problem with seein me makeupless. and let's face it, if you're waking up with him, isn't he going to be more bowled over by the fact that you have little or no clothes on?!
I'm the same with my boyfriend - I have bad skin and it looks terrible without make-up calming it down, so whenever I stay at my boyfriend's house I leave it on, and then as soon as I get up I fix it. I usually also keep my eye make-up on, but that's out of habit :redface: As long as you don't play with your eyes (like pulling mascara off!) then it should be fine in the morning.
Reply 17
Hiya, I was wondering if anyone could help me on this one. I'm possibly staying over at my boyfriends for the first time soon and I'm a bit worried about the something. You see, (this is going to sound so stupid), I'm the sort of person who wears a bit of makeup because I REALLY don't like the way the way I look without it, as in REALLY really. It took me a long time to let my girl mates see me without makeup. I'm not talking about loads, just eyemake up, but it makes a noticable difference.

I'm really nervous about him seeing me without any makeup on incase he see's the difference it makes and see's me without it in the same way I see myself. I don't think he's the sort of person to who it would be too big a deal to, but I'm still nervous. Do I take it off before we go to bed, which means that as, ahem, stuff's happenning I 'll be looking disgusting, get up afterwards and do it, which would be awkward, or not bother, which means it'll look a mess in the morning? I know how pathetic this sounds, especially compared to some of the other problems people on here have, but it's really bugging me and I'm really nervous because I really, really hate the way I look without it. Any thoughts anyone? :s-smilie:

Your boyfriend would love you for who you are, I don't think he would care less about make ups; hey, why don't you not wear make up for one day with him. If he reacts to it which is UNLIKELY, he's not worth it.

Go on... you can do it :p:

I'll tell you a similar situation, I always wear make-up when I go out; I was very self-conscious about my acne. And gosh... on my first date with this lad that I really liked, I had a lOTS of acne at the time and wearing makeup would encourage more... I really wanted to cancel the date!

BUT no, I didn't. I went ahead and thought he should like me for ME...

AND unexpected, straight after the date; he thought I was ' beautiful' and wanted to see me again afterwards. Now I'm confident about myself.

Try it and it'll boost your confidence about yourself!! trust me :smile:

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
In my opinion, if your bf cant except you for who you are, under your make-up, clothes, fancy hairdos or whatever, then he just isnt worth you. Make up doesnt change who you are, it doesnt really change how you look that much either, so he either fancies you, or doesnt, and if he's not happy with how you look naked and without make up, tell him where to go shove it. You're (most probably) worth a hell of a lot more than that! Be comfortable with who you are, take it off before hand so you can fall asleep in his arms and not have to worry about how you look when you wake up!

I know its easy for me to say, I dont wear make up, but its a philosophy I live by.
Reply 19
loads of guys think their girlfriends look better without make up. you notice your own imperfections way more than your boyfriend will, so dont worry :smile: