The Student Room Group

How healthy do you feel?

Im talking about all the time in general (not mornings after drinking etc). I mean are there times when you feel a bit lightheaded or out of it, then moments when you feel more alert? Or do you constantly feel healthy and the same? (Ignoring colds and other illnesses) Or do you not notice how you feel because you keep yourself busy?

Its just I change all through the day yet I can see other people getting on with there lives and it seems like they constantly feel the same.

Strange post, hope you understand it:redface:
Nah, I change constantly. As do other people. They just don't tell you that.
Physically I'm pretty sure its fairly constant, however moodwise during a day I will be up and down, and this will affect my energy levels, etc.
Reply 3
I'm in fine fettle. Thanks for asking.

Might be losing my marbles a bit of late though.
Reply 4
Do you mean feeling dizzy and like you're going to faint? If so yes I sometimes feel like that during the day, because I don't eat meat. You could maybe be aneamic. Or try eating a bigger breakfast.
I feel ok most of the time...usually a bit more tired than I should though. And I get get a bit dizzy sometimes but thats cos I've got low blood pressure. I definately feel better when I'm out and about.
Reply 6
Im talking about all the time in general (not mornings after drinking etc). I mean are there times when you feel a bit lightheaded or out of it, then moments when you feel more alert? Or do you constantly feel healthy and the same? (Ignoring colds and other illnesses) Or do you not notice how you feel because you keep yourself busy?

Its just I change all through the day yet I can see other people getting on with there lives and it seems like they constantly feel the same.

Strange post, hope you understand it:redface:

OOo this is interesting...

Theres are quite a few factors that affect me such as being tired, not eating much, not going out much...this results me in being moody and lightheaded.

However, when I do go out, eat more healthly, get along with people; I feel more alert and happy.

Sometimes, other people's moods takes an impact on me; if they're happy, I would feel more positive, if sad; I would feel slightly upset for them...etc

Sorry but I hope that made sense to you.

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 7
I don't ususally feel great. Oddly, I feel healthiest just after I've done some exercise (which hasn't been for a good long while because taekwondo is out for the summer and that's the only exercise I do).

The rest of the time it's either too hot and a bit faint and out of it, or just tired and lazy in general. Sometimes I feel fine, of course.

I'm pretty sure it's normal for it to change.
Reply 8
I usually find that if I didn't sleep very well the previous night I am more prone to health fluctuations the next day.
Reply 9
not eating much, not going out much...this results me in being moody and lightheaded.
:suith: Sezkin:suith:

Spot on. Weirdly enough, when you don't move your ass at all for the day, it results in making you feel even more tired than if you'd gone for a hike or something.
Reply 10
I go up and down the whole time. Even after exercising there's no set rule to how I'll feel. If I do lots then I usually feel energised because I've been good but then if I do LOADS I feel slightly dead. If I do a rubbish amount then I feel a bit poo just cos I know I could have done more.

I feel more energetic and healthy if I get the same amount of sleep every night and get up at a specific time every morning, rather than having a really long lie in. The more sleep I get the more tired I get to a certain extent. It's strange, I don't try to understand my body.
Physically I feel fine, and I can cope with 2, 6 or 12 hours' sleep! My health is pretty much constant.

Mentally is another matter. In that department, I'm screwed.
Reply 12
erm i feel pretty healthy i suppose.
when i eat rubbish food or run and get out of breath then i think woooah i'm not healthy. but otherwise i feel i'm pretty healthy, i get ill very rarely (including colds/flus etc).. yeah..
Reply 13
If I get the same amount of sleep (8hours/night) and eat the same amount cals every day (about 2900 at the mo) then I've enough energy to do all the exercise I do in the day, and still feel energized to concentrate on TV/crosswords when relaxing, and put on about 1lb/week (weight-gain diet.) If I don't eat same amount of cals one day, I really notice the difference. Like today - even tho I did slightly less exercise than normal, didn't eat as much as normal and woah, do I ever feel light-headed right now. Seriously, my energy levels fall badly even after one day of different routines. I've conditioned my body to expect the same amount of exercise/food/rest, so when these get upset, all hell breaks loose and I feel dreadful. 'S not nice, I've got a mother of a headache
Physically I'm pretty sure its fairly constant, however moodwise during a day I will be up and down, and this will affect my energy levels, etc.

same here. :redface: