The Student Room Group

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Reply 60
Hey yeh your on my floor too!
Reply 61
I'll see you on Saturday. What kinda times are people thinking of getting there?
Reply 62
I'm getting there about 10!
Reply 63
Me too!

God knows how im gonna get mys stuff to my room, i have so much stuff!!
Reply 64
Trust me I will have more!!!!!!
Reply 65
Yay fellow Furnessians! I'm room E08, anyone on floor E? It's so nerve racking! I thought Slkaidburn house sounded a bit grim, it might be the 'Slaid'. :p: Can't wait to meet you all!
Reply 66
Lol well its not new but once you've got all your stuf into the room it should be ok!
Reply 67
hey!! Im in room E04, so we might be in the same flat!! I've been packing and getting really excited now but i have so much stuff, so many clothes, don't know how it's all going to fit!!!
Reply 68
Hehe, i wont be suprised if me and erica know everyone in the building before we get there!

How many is that now? 6 people that are on this forum that are in slaidburn?
Reply 69
Yup! And i've spoken to two more on **********. Tehe
Reply 70
ooh wow! more ppl!!!
Im thinking of getting there around 10..depending on what time i can get myself up in the morning haha. I still havent packed..eek. Iv got way too much stuff.
Oh and i had the same thought about the name - "slaid" and "burn" but im trying to keep that out of my mind for the moment!! xx