Ok so i've been seeing this guy, he's an ex of mine. We split up a while back and he got with someone else. Before he got with her, we'd still been sleeping together. After he split up with her, we started sleeping together again. He knows i regret finishing him so much and that I still love him more than anything. He thinks I'm going to finish him again, so is reluctant to get back with me. The thing is, 6 months down the line when i've had offers off loads of people, I'm still only after him. I know I must sound like a little kid with a school girl crush, but it is more than that.
Anyway, last night we were arguing over how he doesn't seem interested and that and I was quite p***** off about that. he said he was, but him going back to uni was an issue. I said well it wasn't last time, why should it be now. He was like, well if you think it would work then maybe we should give it a second try (well, third). I said i didnt want to unless he really wanted to and he said he did. He then said we should meet up for a meal, so we did last night. However. Nothing was said about the relationship at all.
Am I being used, or is he just confused about everything?? Sorry bout the long rant about guys again!