Trying to finish off this height debate.
I never had a problem with my height, even though I'm very short at 5'5" at 19 years and have had my fair share of friends and gfs. But with so many threads about people being insecure about being short (hell, some people are not even satisfied at 5'11" n 5'7" people seem to be most vocal about their problems)... I'm still not convinced that being short can have any impact on what happens in my life. But, so many people seem to feel otherwise.
Just want some opinions on the forum about a few general things regarding height issues.
Q.1) Is it that short people more often than not mistake some other shortcoming in them which results in them not getting gfs or what ever else they claim they are at a disadvantage (not including basketball etc...), and not their height?
Well, balancing it a bit, it's very fine for girls to say they wont base their relationships on shallow things such as height, but the truth is that many wont be attracted to guys who aren't a certain height. And though they claim it's not the guy's height which made them decide, the height actually plays a part. So, perhaps in this respect there is some credit to the short man's despair, but truth be told it's a similar problem as having a bent nose, or big droopy eyes or a mole which doesn't suit your face. Other aspects of one's features can be enhanced to undo the effect of their height. So I feel.
Q.2) Is there anyone out there who would take a shorter person less seriously if he were to say, be your club president, a policeman, a singer, a politician, your boss, whatever?
Some people so sweepingly state that short people aren't taken seriously. I've always been taken seriously when I say anything. Ok, I may find it hard to intimdate someone, but that's hardly the same.