The Student Room Group

All these threads about height...

Trying to finish off this height debate.

I never had a problem with my height, even though I'm very short at 5'5" at 19 years and have had my fair share of friends and gfs. But with so many threads about people being insecure about being short (hell, some people are not even satisfied at 5'11" n 5'7" people seem to be most vocal about their problems)... I'm still not convinced that being short can have any impact on what happens in my life. But, so many people seem to feel otherwise.

Just want some opinions on the forum about a few general things regarding height issues.

Q.1) Is it that short people more often than not mistake some other shortcoming in them which results in them not getting gfs or what ever else they claim they are at a disadvantage (not including basketball etc...), and not their height?

Well, balancing it a bit, it's very fine for girls to say they wont base their relationships on shallow things such as height, but the truth is that many wont be attracted to guys who aren't a certain height. And though they claim it's not the guy's height which made them decide, the height actually plays a part. So, perhaps in this respect there is some credit to the short man's despair, but truth be told it's a similar problem as having a bent nose, or big droopy eyes or a mole which doesn't suit your face. Other aspects of one's features can be enhanced to undo the effect of their height. So I feel.

Q.2) Is there anyone out there who would take a shorter person less seriously if he were to say, be your club president, a policeman, a singer, a politician, your boss, whatever?

Some people so sweepingly state that short people aren't taken seriously. I've always been taken seriously when I say anything. Ok, I may find it hard to intimdate someone, but that's hardly the same.

Q.1) Is it that short people more often than not mistake some other shortcoming in them which results in them not getting gfs or what ever else they claim they are at a disadvantage (not including basketball etc...), and not their height?

Q.2) Is there anyone out there who would take a shorter person less seriously if he were to say, be your club president, a policeman, a singer, a politician, your boss, whatever?

Q1) not neccessary
Q2)I'll treat all of them with equal respect:wink:

Anyway to answer to your other questions, girls (well, maybe just me:rolleyes: ) do prefer tall guys. I will easily attracted to a 6ft guy rather than 5"5 but i'll take their personality into account too. if the 5"5 guys has better qualities than the 6ft guy i'll certainly go for the shorter one!! girls usually go for taller guys ; i'm sure u can find a girl who's shorter than you! There are lot of short arse like me out there!!!
The problem is that all girls want tall guys, not just taller guys. Fair enogh if girls want guys a few inches taller than them, I would prefer a girl a bit shorter than me. If a girl is 5'7/8/9 etc, then it's fine if she would prefer guys around 6'0"+, but it seems as if even girls barely over 5 foot want guys of the same height. You can see this is the short girls soc "I'm 5 foot nothing....... but my boyfriend is 6'8" hehehe" etc etc.

It's just slightly frustrting that height is the one thing you can't do much about. I think for guys to be attractive, wearing great clothes and getting a good hairstyle can easily make you very desirably (in the purely physical sense), but a short guy will always be short, even if he makes these changes.

So it therefore seems that girls do not want guys to be taller than themselves, but to be tall compared to the general population (girls wanting their guy to be the strongest/smartest/best catch compared to their girl friends).

Saying this I'm not really bothered with my eight (not [I]that[/I short anyway), and I have other qualities that most guys don#t to make me unique and "desirable", but it does limit your dating possibilites in an already difficult place.
Why are you posting as Anonymous? :rolleyes:
Reply 4
I'm a girl, who's 5'3", and I think that as long as a guy is taller than me, then its no problem. Not all girls like tall guys! It hurts your neck for one.

I have a couple of male friends who are around your height. They do well for themselves, and they don't have problems with girls. Alright, there have been occasions where I think girls have been put off by their height, but, if it wasn't the height, some girls always find something to complain about. As long as you be yourself, and have a positive and confident outlook, then people can see past physical qualities.

I know I sound like some sort of bad self-help book, but you get my point. :p:

Reply 5
I'm 18 and 5"2 (5"3 on a good day) and have never once thought anything of my height, I'v never blamed anything on my height, although all these height posts are starting to make me reconsider :rolleyes:
Im annoyed at being 5ft11 because it is not 6ft! But also because all of my friends are 6ft2 or 6ft4 and it is annoying because growing up with them I was always the tallest until I stopped growing when I was 14 an havent grown since!
Reply 7
On the relationship front:
Personally i have never been out with anyone shorter than me, and pretty much all of my mates boyfreinds have also been taller than them. But none of us would be against going out with someone shorter than us, its just thats the way things have worked out.

I have however spoken to girls that claim they would never go out with someone shorter than themselves. Even though i cant see why height has anything to do with it. As long as you click with someones personality, and find them attractive, then height shouldnt matter.

If guys have an issue about there hieght then maybe they're not coming across confident when they approach girls, and this is why they have problems.
I think you should try to get past having an issue with your height, after all girls with be more attracted to you if you come across confident. Not too confident though, as this may be interpreted as arrgance, not an attractive qaulity to have.

Arn't these things confusing :confused: