The Student Room Group

He deceived me!!

it all ended today!
i had gone out with this guy for about 2 years, i gave my heart and everything! however he only deceived me!
our relation wasnt normal, i mean we did not live close to each other, the thing is his and mine were good friends, he used to come around now and again and see eveyone and we kept meeting and became good friends, infact very good friends, we then slowly developed into a realtionship. We had been together for about 3 months but then him and his family moved to Canada, we carried on and kept in touch by him flying over in the holidays and then mails and phone etc; however today he phoned me and said that the only reason he was with me was to hurt me! he said that no one in there right mind would go out with me and only only reason he did was because he want to see me hurt, i asked my why and he said because my brother used to bully him when he was small, so what better way to get him back! he said that he only has to suffer with me for about 3 months because they moved and yes he wasted him time and money but he got something out of it!
i dont know how to react to this, i mean when he said it i didnt feel anything nor i am feeling anything now!
i wrote this because i wanted to get it out of me, my family dont agree on being in a realtionship at the age of 17 but i really needed to get this out and maybe a bit of support because i am totally confused however i dont think his words have sunk in me and i am waiting for this call so he would just say i was joking!! why isnt he calling!!
sorry for the long poste

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Reply 1
hes a freak, be glad you only had to waste 3 months of your life with him
Reply 2
:eek: thats horrible!
I can see why you are confused that your "boyfriend" was only your boyfriend to hurt you.
He sounds like an idiot treating you badly because of something that happened between him and your brother.
Forget about him he isnt a very nice person!
I hope you feel better soon!
Reply 3
3 months, i swear it was 2 years, she spent 3 months dating and the rest keeping the relationship over the internet etc
Thats Horrible makes me angry :mad:
Reply 5
what a d*ck, you are so better off without him, what he did to you was blinded by the hatred of you brother and you shouldnt take what he said personally, he is clearly very messed up and you deserve better and will find better
Reply 6
What an absolute #(^&%!*$.

That's such a terrible thing to do to a person, especially as you did nothing wrong whatsoever. It's not your fault he got bullied.

Sounds like he has some serious issues to be honest. Wasting two years of your life getting revenge on someone who never did anything wrong in the first place? What a loser.

On the upside, most people's boyfriends aren't psychopaths, so your next one is pretty much 100% guaranteed to be better than him :smile:
What an idiot. Phone his family and tell em' what he's been up to, and how you feel that he was stupid. Tell em' how you feel about him. His family need to know about this. I'm sure his parents wouldn't keep letting him fly out if they knew he was up to such a small minded and petty thing, which happened years ago and was nothing to do with you. How does he find that by treating you like this he's got something out of this. Ask him for his reasoning how he can feel that he's got something out of this. The only true way is if this made your brother hurt, so tell your brother not to feel bad about this, as I assume he will, that way he hasn't won. It's not your brothers fault that he bahaved like this, so tell him not to feel bad.
The boy is clearly tapped. I'd say you had a lucky escape.
Reply 9
Thats awful! :eek: :mad:;rant; he's clearly not worth it! Ignore the stupid prat. I'm sorry to say but don't bother with him now. Say goodbye to the loser ;shoot; .

Try and get on with your life, meet many different people and you'll eventually find someone who likes you for you!

At least you know where you stand, you can get over him now.

You deserve so much better! Here's a little hug - :hugs:

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 10
Thats Horrible makes me angry :mad:

me to :mad:
i dont no how someone can treat a person like that!
Reply 11
sorry i didnt really help with my post!!

the guys a jerk! and stupid!! forget him and think of him as a bump in your life, it was a horrible one and you almost fell over but its nice too see that bump will never hurt you again because its over and you have passed it!!

I agree this guy is scum, thank god you are no longer with him.
Reply 13
thanks gys for all you help!! :smile:

i still cant forget the two years we were together, but i have a request from you guys?

i want to phone him, however i dont know what to say!! how should i go about the conversation, i just phoned him on private number and he picked it up, i ended up cutting the phone as i had no idea what to say to him, what can i say?
Reply 14
he messed you around big time! why do you want to speak to him?
say i think you need professional help, what my brother did to you was cruel, but you are no better than him now, something along those lines?
Reply 16
well thing is what i had in mind was a bit different this is kinda what i think

me: hay
him: whatever he says
mw: well i just wanted to let u know, what your a ass and what you did was mean! and i cant believe you, i mean its my brother who hurt you so why the f**** did u play around with me??

i dont know if its good but i want to make him feel sorry, although i dont think its going to work, but if you guys have better ideas the i'm reading, i want to phone hima round 6 our time because thats around 1pm there time, so i know hes going to be home
Ask the stuff I stated in my post. But don't insult him or get angry because then he knows how effective he was.
Reply 18
i will do!! thankyou!
Reply 19
Aye, what a prick. He isn't worth your time or your anguish. Forget about him.

Where in canada is he from? I'll put a bag of flaming poo on his door step and ring the bell for you.