Dear Johnathan,
Thank you for your email.
We currently have problems with equipment on site, we have engineers working
to resolve this issue as soon as possible. This would cause the service not
to function for some time over the last few days, however the speed of the
service when running would be unaffected therefore you should be receiving
reasonable speeds to your machine. We have surveyed the site recently (6th
Oct 06) and found the speeds to be more than acceptable for a wireless
service. Please make sure that you speed issue isn't related to a firewall
blockage or anti virus program or a wireless card setting such as power save
mode (should be disabled).
Keysurf Support
0870 149 0088
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 October 2006 16:24
[email protected]Subject: Wireless Internet at Aston University
Good Afternoon,
I am a student at Aston University and have been attempting to use your
Internet services for the last few weeks.
The quality of the service is terrible with the supposed 512kps speed
actually proving slower than a dial-up service. On many occasions the
Internet simply refuses to work completely.
My fellow students and I rely on the Internet for notifications of course
changes and information and use them for Internet based learning and
assessments. This is proving virtually impossible with the level of
service provided by KeyCom.
We have paid for a service which you have simply failed to provide to any
thing like an adequate standard. I find this unacceptable and would like
to see either a vast improvement in the service or a refund of the charges
we have paid you.
Johnathan Ellison