The Student Room Group

feel so stupid

Well basically I'm feeling ****, hence this post, but I'm going to rant about cleverness, and exams, and spiteful, cunning ppl. If anyone out there can empathise with me, then I'd be very grateful.

Today was the first day of 6thform, I go to an all girls' school. My gcse results were 3a*s, 6a's and and 2 b's. Now I thought these were pretty good, nothing amazing but you know: solid grades. I come back and so many people have fanstatic grades. These people with no opinions, no real intelligence or a passion for a subject are getting 8, 9, 10 a*s, simply because they have pushy parents, and a tutor and a desire to go to Oxford/Camebridge etc. Now, I am not a stupid person, I thought, I don't work particularly hard, but I read avidly, I like to learn about new things etc (I just hate revising so don't do enough). These people who got fantastic marks always say they don't do much work etc, and I know it's a load of crap, but still how can people lie so much? I feel so stupid because of my results, even though I know there good, because of where I go.

These people who will cut their mothers throat just to get good grades are going to do better in me in life probably simply because I am honest and don't spend my whole life worrying about exams. I wish I could sometimes be like them and fall in line with the rest of this fast paced society so that life would probably be more kind to me. And other times I think to myself thank ***** I am not like them.

Additional bitching for anyone else feeling pissy or upset whatever:
There is this one girl, who is quite attractive, quite popular, quite clever. She got 8a*s and 2 a's. Now, she is the biggest bitch ever. These are the kind of things she has said in the past:
"it's hard in subjects like latin because everyone who does them is clever and gets good grades, whereas in maths and english, thank god for the stupid people in comprehensives who bring the boundries down"
*after comforting a girl who screwed up her exams* "don't you hate having to be fake to stupid people who screwed up?"
"I don't think I'm pretty or anything, but guys just seem to like me"
"I'd never go out with a guy for more than 6 months, cos then you have to be majorly comitted and you'll be going out with them for like 3 years or something stupid like that."

ARGHHHHH!!!!!! I hate her and all the teachers and about half the year love her.

PLUS: nearly all my closest friends have left this school so now I have to hang out with the complete weirdo's (who are actually quite nice and funny, yay what does that say about me lol) OR hang out with the posh girls who are like "lets go play hocky gals, its so fun"

having said that, i love all my close friends and am so glad I have them. If anyone reads this, I'll love you haha xxx

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Reply 1
i don't mean to sound rude, but if you want good grades, do some work.

"Duh" comes to mind.
All i will say is you saying they are only average grades, they bloody brilliant grades i would have killed to have got what you did.
i don't mean to sound rude, but if you want good grades, do some work.

"Duh" comes to mind.

OH come on she must have worked hard for god sake she got 2 A stars, 6 A's and 2 B's, now i don't know about you but surely she must have put alot of effort into her revision to get that.
Reply 4
i don't mean to sound rude, but if you want good grades, do some work.

"Duh" comes to mind.

yeah you're probably right, but I do work, just not obsessivley like some people. I'd rather have a social life.
Reply 5
It's not all about grades. You already said you read- I mean, you don't have to be like everyone else and follow the same path they do. Pretty good grades anyway...
quite like those putdowns, I may have to recycle them in some cartoon.
Reply 6
yeah you're probably right, but I do work, just not obsessivley like some people. I'd rather have a social life.

I agree be clever and have a social life! :biggrin:
Reply 7
i don't mean to sound rude, but if you want good grades, do some work.

"Duh" comes to mind.

Since when wasn't a bunch of A*'s, A's and B's 'good grades'??
...and calling the people you're now going to hang out with "weirdo's" kinda makes you a b*tch no? as said above. If you want to to as well as them then study and stop whinging.
Reply 9
No no of course, they're incredible grades. But yknow, people that get straight A*s work their asses off in my experience, if you wanted straight A*s, you should've worked more. Don't let your peers make you feel stupid, *****'em.
Reply 10
Since when wasn't a bunch of A*'s, A's and B's 'good grades'??

she goes to camebridge so that says everythings lol (i'm joking before anyone has a go at me)
Reply 11
OH come on she must have worked hard for god sake she got 2 A stars, 6 A's and 2 B's, now i don't know about you but surely she must have put alot of effort into her revision to get that.

Pure snobbery. There's always be people like that in life so you should learn to ignore them now and enjoy living your own life while they spend all their time trying to be the best.

I had a brilliant time when a few others were studying really hard, and I'm damn proud of my GCSE results. There's a nice range from A* through to F. Excellent.
Reply 13
Ok, posting this was a stupid thing to do but I'm just feeling ****ey and snobs have never got to me before n now i'm suddenly stressing. I hope this gets closed soon.

Calling them weirdo's was the right thing to do, because they are not "noramal", still I like them so u know, get over it.
if you didnt work too hard and got those grades, then count yourself lucky...they're brilliant grades
Reply 15
Pff, I did next to nothing work and got good grades, am I a weirdo?

Yes I am but in the good sense, but I actually had a life, did loads of ex-curric etc. At the end of the day, there will always be people better than us. All we can do is either to accept that or strive to be better. simple as that.
Reply 16
S'alright, I was in the weirdo group in school. We liked it, we were just weird because we wore different clothes and liked different music..kinda. It was fun, then we all grew up but we still call each other weirdo in a nice way.
Calling them weirdo's was the right thing to do, because they are not "noramal", still I like them so u know, get over it.

Eh, ok. but "now i have to hang arround with the complete weirdos" you HAVE to hang around with them? that word choice kinda sugests your unhappy about that. English wasn't one of your Bs was it? :P
Sorry if that was uncalled for but, you know, get over it.
Reply 18
S'alright, I was in the weirdo group in school. We liked it, we were just weird because we wore different clothes and liked different music..kinda. It was fun, then we all grew up but we still call each other weirdo in a nice way.

I am a weirdo in the sense, I wear quite hippy/rocky/weird clothes etc, and my sense of humour isn't usually to most people's taste, but these people are weird in a different sense. They're not really clever or anything, they just have bad social skills before you get to know them, they have different morals to most people and things like that. I never said weirdo was a bad thing, just it's not what I'm used to, they're just completely differnt to my friends at present. I guess weird can be good in some ways, depending on which way you look at it.
Reply 19
Those are almost identical to the GCSE grades that I got 3 years ago. Amongst my close friends at school that was the lowest, but it didn't bother me so much. No matter how many people say you should do more revision, some of us just can't stick to it. It's bad enough that the media make us all feel bad on results day without other students doing it too.

If you do feel bad about it, just think about the number of students now making alternative plans because they didn't get the grades for sixth form.

Plus, at the end of the day, all you need GCSEs for are:
a) to do A Levels (which you obviously have)
and b) C in maths and english for work
so you'll be fine :smile: