Hey cinders Im in sort've the same position as you, not sure what to write. I mean I've read Fermats Last Theorem, How long is a piece of string ?, 1089 and all that, and a Very Short Introduction to Mathematics, and I've also started reading Keith Devlins, Mathematics: Making the invisible visible. That appears to be a deeper book compared to the previous ones I've read but I don't think I'll finish it in time, but I may write that I am currently reading it. I'm just wandering aswell what other stuff should you put in your personal statement, because I've been to a few lectures, can't remember a lot of what happened though, got loads of extra curricular stuff, doing further maths AS in year 13 primarily through independent study, aswell as doing both STEP and AEA. Would I need to write more ?.... and also what other stuff can be written?