The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Oh, mint Q. I wonder if some places let you and some dont.
Just take one. Nobody will know either way.
Reply 3
Just take one. Nobody will know either way.

OK - so just remember, I never asked this question... :wink:
OK - so just remember, I never asked this question... :wink:

Reply 5
you're allowed them in lupton.
My friend had one in Oxley.

Just an FYI: In the two or three "inspections" we had, nobody even looked in my room.
Reply 7
I think you're allowed them in MB
The official line is.........yes, you are allowed mini fridges. The reason why a lots of universities don't allow them (I presume) is because of potential damage to carpets etc if you don't defrost them for a whole year. I prefer to take the line that you're responsible enough to look after stuff like that yourself - but if you do damage the carpet, you will surely be charged for it :biggrin:
Do check your fridge out before you do decide to bring it - obviously to make sure it's electrically safe (we'd rather you didn't go up in flames) but also check out how much heat they pump out and how much noise they make - you may find you don't want to/can't sleep with one in your room.
And no way are you allowed a full-size or even a half size fridge :smile:
I think that settles it :smile: