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Reply 1
I say a light meal and many meals a day is better than skipping meals.

I'm no doctor so don't quote me on this but I believe that it's better that way instead of one big meal a day. It is because I believe the body will adapt to the body not having enough meals so it tends to store more energy (possibly fat).

Afterall, it's calories that count. If you ate 1000 cal and u spent 2000 cal, then you will lose weight.
Reply 2
Depends on the person, but for me I stopped eating more than one meal a day and it didnt make any difference to my weight unfortunately :s-smilie: but then i can pig out and it doesnt make much difference either lol. If you're going to uni why not join some sports clubs to get involved and meet new people as exercise is always a great way to tone up and shed a few pounds :smile:
Reply 3
wouldn't reccomend it. if u wanna lose weight just do some cardio.
Reply 4
You body will think you're fasting and hoarde all the calories you do eat! Don't do it - tis a crappy way to lose weight. xx
I'm with mousey- don't do it all that will happen is your body will store fat and any weight lost will be all muscle. This will slow down your metabolism and mean that you don't actually get any smaller.
Reply 6
I'm no doctor so don't quote me on this but I believe that it's better that way instead of one big meal a day. It is because I believe the body will adapt to the body not having enough meals so it tends to store more energy (possibly fat).

We've evolved to survive a famine. If you stop eating as much your body thinks there's a food shortage so stored the food you DO eat as fat :redface:
Totally agree with mousey do not skip meals, your body will just store calories as fat as a backup. Instead you should eat 3 meals a day (especially breakfast) and I would take up becca28's advise and join a sports club as it's a great way to keep fit, make new friends and burn of those calories. Also, given that you're going to need to have much brain power for those lectures/tutorials (specially after a boozy night out the night before) I think it would be stupid to skip meals as it's likely to hit your concentration.
Reply 8
I have to disagree a bit. Isn't it about skipping ONE meal..not skipping everything?
Skipping one meal is one way of losing weight unless you don't compensate the lack of food
with extra-sweets as snack.
Doing sports for being fit generally is good .. but losing weight is much more efficient through controlled eating (combined with a healthy lifestyle which includes sports).

So skip one meal if you like .. you won't go into starving-mode because of that. I would propose instead of skipping completely eat an apple/banana/orange instead.
Reply 9
I'm with mousey- don't do it all that will happen is your body will store fat and any weight lost will be all muscle. This will slow down your metabolism and mean that you don't actually get any smaller.

and because you have less muscle, you'll burn less calories, and a slower metabolism means more weight too!
Exercise is vital if you want to burn fat, start going swimming, get up to change the tv channel, get of a stop earlier on the bus and cardio is great for shifting weight, try aerobics or running.
Ideally you should still eat the 2000 calories, just make 'em good ones, fruit, salad, white meat, fish, avoid chocolate, junk, and pasta/white bread, booze ( if you can't resist try a clear spirit with slimline tonic or diet cola).
One technique that works a treat and makes dieting easier is to have a naughty day each week. so every friday you can scoff and drink as much as you like. This works because it does the opposite of what skipping meals does, suddenly dieting in any form causes the body to hoard energy/fat, if you have a naughty day each week this doesn't happen. Also helps coz takes the pressure of , you're not going AARRRGGGHHH Iwant chocolate NOW!!! coz you know you can have it on friday!
Good luck
I stopped eating an evening meal when I got home from work, and I've lost a stone in 2 months.
Reply 11
6 small meals per day! eating under maintance calories

taper carbs off about 4pm

dont neglect eating fats because they are important!
Reply 12
i think skipping a meal isnt a very good idea because u tend to overeat the next meal!
skipping a meal is an unhealthy idea...maybe you can try losing weight by just eating lighter or something
i think skipping a meal isnt a very good idea because u tend to overeat the next meal!

Skipping a proper meal is never a good idea, you should have your standard 3 meals a day.
Reply 16
I stopped eating an evening meal when I got home from work, and I've lost a stone in 2 months.

If you lose weight that fast you tend to put it back on just as fast
Reply 17
you have to eat breakfast as the name suggests its the break of your fast... since most people havent ate for like 12 hours before it!

if you have a healthy breakfast and maybe instead of skipping meals... have fruit for lunch

then if you have a light meal for your evening meal (like not a massive pizza... or huge home cooked dinner) your bound to lose weight... but the body goes into shock when you stop eating and stores food!
eating 5 or 6 small meals a day is better than skipping meals
Don't skip the meals, that's not very wise, just cut down the amounts you have, or supplement the meals for fruit and a smoothie...Good luck with everything xxx