The Student Room Group

Short term relationships

Just a quickie for opinions before I see this girl tonight. I've known her casually via friends for a few months, really clicked with her and didn't ask her out, cos I'm going back to university in October (the 6th to be exact) - I've just come back from holiday and I'm really starting to regret my decision - we're getting on better than ever (but we're still not in the friend zone, i'm certain) and if theres a chance we could get together, I'd want to take it.

Is it worth it? With 4 or so weeks to go before university (which is quite far away), is it worth me asking her out for a drink (without other friends there) when I see her tonight, or is it just a pointless exercise that will probably embarrass me and possibly her?
Reply 1
you have to ask yourself what is more worth i - embarrassment but possibly a gf OR regret...tbh relationships DO last when you go to uni if you want them too, i don't think that should be an issue here :smile: go for it i say!!!
Reply 2
If you don't ask you don't get.
Depends if you want the hassle of a new relationship at uni, by all means take her out for a drink, but is there much point going much futher if it is meant to be then 3 years is not a long time to wait and have fun in the meantime
What you got to lose by asking :smile:
Reply 5
it probably is worth it but just be aware that you are going away. 2 of my friends actually started relationships with guys who were going just about to go to uni last year- one of them lasted till christmas and the other just finished so it could work. however if you dont want a relationship at uni then you need to be carefull...and make it clear to her at the start. being in a short relationship that gets serious quickly but then has to end because of distance is no fun so it is probably best if in that case you do not get too involved as you could save yourself a lot of pain
Reply 6
by all means ask her out even if the potential fling could only last a few weeks, it can still be fun and she can still become someone really special for you... it worked for me. but if u dont want a relationship when u start uni (probs best if u can help it) make that reallly clear to her before carrying on anything with her. if you do really like her and think u can face the distance etc well go for it! ( if she want to as well obviously) its tough but if u like each other that much then itll be worth it ultimately.