The Student Room Group

Online Dating problems


I have placed myself on several online dating websites and recieved about 4 replies out of a total of about 100 sent (across different sites).
Whenever I get chatting to a girl, we have a chat, she gives me her phone number and we continue to chat via email and texting.

I also seem to get on well with the girls I talk to, but after a while they suddenly stop replying. This has happened with all 4 girls that I got a reply off.
Anyone had this problem on online dating sites?
Are there any girls on here who have suddenly stopped texting or emailing someone that they get on with really well? What were you reasons?

Hope someone can help

To be honest online dating sites aren't particulary great, alot of people i know who tried it, whenever they get to know someone it turns out that person is lying and is not the person they say they are in the first place.
Reply 2
Usually if they're coming on too strong or I've lost interest, I'd stop replying to someone.

Although I do wonder why you're on dating websites - if you're a student, surely there's plenty of opportunities to meet people?
Reply 3
No offence, because I might be completely wrong here, but do they stop replying when you show them a picture of yourself? This is purely speculative on my part since I have no idea what you look like, but is there a chance you're ugly and once they see you they lose interest?

Although I do wonder why you're on dating websites - if you're a student, surely there's plenty of opportunities to meet people?

Thats true...but..

There are a lot of 18-25 olds (and lots of them are students) registered on dating websites, and lots of beautiful girls and guys (puts the myth to bed that websites are only for mingers!)
Reply 5
And there are also mingers who know how to lie on the net and use photos that aren't of themselves :wink:
Reply 6
I hate these sort of websites. I have a Gaydar profile but I've never met up with anyone off there. Always get messages from middle-aged mingers. It's like eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww.
Reply 7
And there are also mingers who know how to lie on the net and use photos that aren't of themselves :wink:

Yeah, but those people are easily disproved. Webcams can be picked up for a tenner, all someone has to do is ask you to take a photo of yourself doing something unique or holding a specific object or something to prove you are who you say you are, and if you fail to do so you're instantly under a great deal more suspicion.

And another point to consider is that presumably you're registering on these dating websites to, y'know... date. And if this is the case, there's very little point in putting up fake pictures of yourself, because you'll never be able to actually meet/date anybody without being exposed as a liar anyway.
Reply 8
By any chance do you use or yahoo?
I dont think so many people use fake pictures however they lie in their pictures! many are photoshoped, others only show headshots. People find so many ways to make themselves look better in photos.
Reply 10
Maybe they just start to realise that texting and email isn't enough. It's not the same as having someone that you see and talk to in person. Perhaps it's the distance.

Also it's probably weird for them to explain to friends "I met this great guy online." That's kind of looked down on in our culture.