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its a bit like cockney only worse (no offence to people with the accent!)
It has a bit of a west-country, Cornish kind of twang to it.

Not the most pleasant accent in the world, but definitely not the worst. Scouse holds that accolade. :cool:
Reply 3
so wait here... we got sum kinda cockney accent, mixed with devon-ness??? how queer!!
It is abit weird, I know someone who lives in Gosport and yeah it is weird!
so wait here... we got sum kinda cockney accent, mixed with devon-ness??? how queer!!

I don't notice the cockney part myself. But it's a sort of mixture of southern and west country, if you can imagine that.
Reply 6
mmm hard to imagine, do they sound like plymouth ppl???!!
mmm hard to imagine, do they sound like plymouth ppl???!!

No idea. Probably not :biggrin:
Reply 8
mmm hard to imagine, do they sound like plymouth ppl???!!

No, hehe. My bf is a Plymouth person ... kinda cute! ... and he doesn't sound like my friend who lives in Pompey.

But yeah, I can't quite put my finger on how it sounds.
Reply 9
mmm hard to imagine, do they sound like plymouth ppl???!!

Nope not at all.
Reply 10
people always think i go to plymouth uni...

Reply 11
people always think i go to plymouth uni...


Yeah same.
I have family in Plymouth and it's where my mum is from. People that know this always say she comes from Portsmouth and I'm going to uni in Plymouth. They are always being confused.
Reply 12
people always think i go to plymouth uni...


ditto! :mad:

edit: well strickly speaking i dont go to any uni anymore... :rolleyes:
Reply 13
i've lived near pompey all my life. there are some ppl with common accents but they are similar to ones you'd get in any city. i dnt think i have a particular pompey accent anyway lol
Reply 14
Apparently I don't have a Wolverhampton accent.. although someone thought I was South African the other day..
Reply 15
It's got a definite twang. Couple of guys I know who are from Portsmouth have such obvious accents which I can hear clearly.. it's funny :tongue: It's got a bit of South London in it but its not as "strong".. I really can't describe it except for...

Reply 16


roffle thats how the automatic lady at the train station says it :biggrin:
It has a bit of a west-country, Cornish kind of twang to it.

Not the most pleasant accent in the world, but definitely not the worst. Scouse holds that accolade. :cool:

cornish twang?????:eek:

live here all my life, never heard anyone speak with a cornish twang
We sound a bit like south/east Londerners, only not as strong!
Reply 19
if you wanna listen to the pompey accent first you gotta find a pompey person who isn't common or chav.... no easy feat let me tell you!!! :pwnd: