The Student Room Group

Top Uni's for Modern Languages

I know i know
its probably been asked lots...but since TSR did a clean up i cant find the thread so i decided to post a new one asking

so does anyone know which are the top uni's for studying Modern Languages (French and Hispanic Studies specifically for me)

i know someone once posted a link to a league table...or even if anyone knows top uni for French and Spanish separately thatd be fine

Just ive got to choose my top 6 for ucas soon...and im still not certain...i just want to go to whichever i like best and is good for not so bothered HOW high it comes on the table just so long as it has a reasonably good rep for it :smile:
I know Newcastle, Durham, Bristol, Nottingham and St Andrews are all quite good but im not sure

also if anyone knows the why Modern Languages BA degrees tend to have higher entry requirements than a French and Hispanic Studies BA degree does thatd help too

thanks alot

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Reply 1
I know i know
its probably been asked lots...but since TSR did a clean up i cant find the thread so i decided to post a new one asking

so does anyone know which are the top uni's for studying Modern Languages (French and Hispanic Studies specifically for me)

i know someone once posted a link to a league table...or even if anyone knows top uni for French and Spanish separately thatd be fine

Just ive got to choose my top 6 for ucas soon...and im still not certain...i just want to go to whichever i like best and is good for not so bothered HOW high it comes on the table just so long as it has a reasonably good rep for it :smile:
I know Newcastle, Durham, Bristol, Nottingham and St Andrews are all quite good but im not sure

also if anyone knows the why Modern Languages BA degrees tend to have higher entry requirements than a French and Hispanic Studies BA degree does thatd help too

thanks alot

Check my siggy for where I'm applying, you know that's the stuff!
Seriously tho, I think (for Spanish) the better unis are KCL, Royal Holloway, UCL, Edinburgh, Bristol, Durham (so good I'm applying twice:wink:) and Nottingham (no particular order). Also there's no real difference between requirements for Modern Languages and French and Hispanic Studies, it's all related afterall.
Reply 2
ah paddy - great to see you're off to Argentina in March - you're going to be there for the exact same period as me - March to August yus yus... - What happened to your Camb application? Anyway PM me your msn or good to talk about planning our Argentine adventure..:biggrin:
Reply 3
ah paddy - great to see you're off to Argentina in March - you're going to be there for the exact same period as me - March to August yus yus... - What happened to your Camb application? Anyway PM me your msn or good to talk about planning our Argentine adventure..:biggrin:

Totally forgot! Will pm toute suite!
Reply 4
I know i know
its probably been asked lots...but since TSR did a clean up i cant find the thread so i decided to post a new one asking

so does anyone know which are the top uni's for studying Modern Languages (French and Hispanic Studies specifically for me)

i know someone once posted a link to a league table...or even if anyone knows top uni for French and Spanish separately thatd be fine

Just ive got to choose my top 6 for ucas soon...and im still not certain...i just want to go to whichever i like best and is good for not so bothered HOW high it comes on the table just so long as it has a reasonably good rep for it :smile:
I know Newcastle, Durham, Bristol, Nottingham and St Andrews are all quite good but im not sure

also if anyone knows the why Modern Languages BA degrees tend to have higher entry requirements than a French and Hispanic Studies BA degree does thatd help too

thanks alot

Hmm - just as a slightly side-line point - a BA Modern Languages when it comes to employment has a better ring to it than anything involving 'studies' at the may sound superficial..but it really does make a worse impression to employers...
Reply 5
french and hispanic 'studies' might have a different focus from a languages degree- it will most likely be concerned more with the culture and societies where those languages are spoken, rather than a study of the languages themselves (incidentally, you get a good grasp of culture through studying a languages degree anyway, so if anything, doing french and hispanic studies would mean you lose out on the language aspect)
League tables will tell you which unis are better than others in general and it doesn't tend to vary that much by subject, so the top unis are pretty much what you'd expect; Oxbridge, Durham, Bristol, Nottingham, Warwick, KCL, UCL and so on. As well as Cambridge, Durham and Bristol, I applied to Exeter, Royal Holloway and Sheffield, which aren't as 'top' but still good. You really need to look carefully at the course though because languages degrees vary so much at different unis in terms of the amount of literature, linguistics, history, politics, film and so on. Oxford and Bristol especially have quite a heavy focus on literature.
I applied to Oxford, Nottingham, Edinburgh, KCL, UCL and Durham. None of them gave me 3 E offers, so they must be alright.
Reply 8
NOT BRISTOL! ANYTHING BUT BRISTOL! German is excellent but Spanish is rubbish. You will be bitterly disappointed.
Places I'd recommend:

Oxford, Cambridge

Bristol, UCL, Nottingham, Durham, KCL, Edinburgh

Exeter, Southampton, Warwick, Leeds
Reply 10
St Andrew's also has a very good philological department especially for Spanish I believe....
Sorry to jump into this thread, but I thought it would make more sense to post here rather than creating another thread.

My school is putting pressure on us to come up with our university choices now... what you do guys think of these unis? (for French btw)
Queen Mary (maybe)
Royal Holloway (maybe)
UEA (maybe)
Sheffield (maybe)

Does anyone have a link to any league tables?
To be honest it also depends whether u want to only do the 2 langauges... I had offers from durham, nottingham,surrey, portsmouth and birmingham and i am going to birmingham!! The reason for this is that there are soo many combinations of langauges which other universities could not offer.. At surrey and notts for example u can only do spanish german french russian. (And u cannot do french ab initio) I wanted more of a range and although Birmingham is not one of THE top unis ( it is in top 15 for langauges), I am able to chhose from portugese, japanese,mandarin, italian! Sooo... It depends what u want, also look at the type of modules.. at some where like surrey there is no literature and more practical stuff like businees and law and at Birmingham and Notts etc its more traditional (Literature etc) Hope this helps!
Hey Indigo:

Ignore league tables largely; make your decision based on overall prestige of uni and what current students say about the course (i.e. is it good fun). UCL and KCL stand out from your your list, for me.
Hey Indigo:

Ignore league tables largely; make your decision based on overall prestige of uni and what current students say about the course (i.e. is it good fun). UCL and KCL stand out from your your list, for me.

Okay. Thanks!
Sorry to jump into this thread, but I thought it would make more sense to post here rather than creating another thread.

My school is putting pressure on us to come up with our university choices now... what you do guys think of these unis? (for French btw)
Queen Mary (maybe)
Royal Holloway (maybe)
UEA (maybe)
Sheffield (maybe)

Does anyone have a link to any league tables?,,8403,00.html
You should be able to find them around here somewhere.
It depends what grades you have/are predicted etc. (as to where you should apply) but just in general UCL, KCL, Royal Hollaway & Soton I know are good, I think Sheffield is as well but I don't know anything about the others. I would advise going to some open days if that's your shortlist to see what the actualy unis are like and that way you get to talk to admissions tutors etc if you have any questions.
Hey Indigo:

Ignore league tables largely; make your decision based on overall prestige of uni and what current students say about the course (i.e. is it good fun). UCL and KCL stand out from your your list, for me.

Yeah, even though I've just posted a link for league tables (!), I agree that they're not much use, especially when they vary so much (Time & Guardian are often totally different.) I think becaues language courses can offer so many different options, research the course you'll be doing and whether you will like the literature/history/film/linguistics etc side of the course and what flexibility there is.
You should be able to find them around here somewhere.
It depends what grades you have/are predicted etc. (as to where you should apply) but just in general UCL, KCL, Royal Hollaway & Soton I know are good, I think Sheffield is as well but I don't know anything about the others. I would advise going to some open days if that's your shortlist to see what the actualy unis are like and that way you get to talk to admissions tutors etc if you have any questions.

Thank you!
Reply 18
Charlie P
NOT BRISTOL! ANYTHING BUT BRISTOL! German is excellent but Spanish is rubbish. You will be bitterly disappointed.

Reply 19
just to reiterate, check dem courses - seriously, its all well getting into a top name and that but when you find yourself doing boring work (not that its all cream teas) you'll regret it. plus, you need to go to a place (or a city) that you like, I were dead keen of Durham n' York of all places for a while. and they're dead compared to sunny birmingham.