The Student Room Group

Why does everyone think we're a couple?

I've been really good friends with a guy I've met from a comics group for the last six months. We get on really well and can talk about all sorts of things. The problem is, everyone seems to think we're a couple. It started out as a bit of a joke with one of the other guys at the group saying we'd make a good couple. Since then, a lot of other people seemed to mistaken us for a couple and both our parents have been asking whether or not we're a couple repeatedly, despite us both answering no. I wouldn't mind except for the fact there's this assumption that my best friend can't be a boy and there has to be something else there. Why can't I have long talks with him about random stuff that goes on for three hours? Why does that have to be some other element there? Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how have they coped with it?

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Is it really something that needs to be 'coped with'. Once you say no people usually don't go on about it? As for why people think that, it's obviously because you two are close.
Feel sorry for the guy, you friendzoned him
Reply 3
I know how you feel. I have this friend who I hang out with and chat with a lot because we both like pokemon so some people 'ship' us and call us a couple.

One of my friends even told me that almost everyone in my science class thinks that we like each other.

Just ignore it, the novelty will wear off and they'll stop soon enough.


Sorry for the horrible grammar

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Original post by chukster97
Feel sorry for the guy, you friendzoned him

A moment of silence for our fallen brother in the friendzone.
(edited 10 years ago)
He probably says your a couple when your not with him because you've friendzoned him that bad
This happens a lot when a guy and a girl are good friends. In my experience anyway. Just laugh it off, don't take it too seriously :smile:
Reply 7
Original post by MrDystopia
Is it really something that needs to be 'coped with'.

It is when your parents ask if it's him every time I get a text.
Lol. This has happened to me, but only around my friends.
It will die down soon, as the constant responses of 'no' will strike into their heads.
Reply 9
I had the same problem even though it was more awkward because he did have feelings for me. Just ignore the comments and they'll soon stop with them.
I have the same problem. We're sleeping together but we're not a couple, jeez.
Reply 11
It happens. One of my best friends is a guy that I work with and pretty much everyone thinks we're a couple. Even the manager pulled us aside and gave us some weird blessing type speech as if he was bestowing us permission to date one another.
It happens. One of my best friends is a guy that I work with and pretty much everyone thinks we're a couple. Even the manager pulled us aside and gave us some weird blessing type speech as if he was bestowing us permission to date one another.

This made me laugh.

I was head girl and me and the head boy were really good friends and our head of year would move us to sit next to each other in our class and constantly make jokes about us going out. It was quite embarrassing tbh as I could never imagine anything like that, it was purely platonic.

Posted from TSR Mobile
My two best friends at secondary school were boys and everyone thought I was dating first one, then the other. It is annoying so I don't blame you for getting wound up by it.

One thing I would say, is make sure that the guy doesn't want the friendship to be anything more before you start going on about how you don't want a relationship with him. Both the guys I was friends with turned out to have been madly in love with me and I'd spent years telling everyone who would listen that I wouldn't date them if they were the last human on Earth. Ouch...
This happened with a guy I worked with. We always sat with each other, made jokes, spent breaks together. I was asked if we were together and I thought it was hilarious.

A few weeks later he told me he had feelings for me. :P

Maybe make sure your friend isn't reading more into your friendship? Other people might see a chemistry, even if just on his side, that you can't see.

One of my best friends is a guy but I've never ever had anyone think we're a couple.
Reply 15
Original post by Suma-99
I've been really good friends with a guy I've met from a comics group for the last six months. We get on really well and can talk about all sorts of things. The problem is, everyone seems to think we're a couple. It started out as a bit of a joke with one of the other guys at the group saying we'd make a good couple. Since then, a lot of other people seemed to mistaken us for a couple and both our parents have been asking whether or not we're a couple repeatedly, despite us both answering no. I wouldn't mind except for the fact there's this assumption that my best friend can't be a boy and there has to be something else there. Why can't I have long talks with him about random stuff that goes on for three hours? Why does that have to be some other element there? Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how have they coped with it?
You're thinking about it and trying to prove that people are wrong; ergo you're in denial.

Don't be upset by the idea. Yes, people of opposite genders can share platonic friendships, but they are more likely to develop feelings for one another than people you've been talking to for 'dating' purposes.

Don't fight it; think about it honestly and ask yourself: how do you feel about him?
Original post by Plumstone
My two best friends at secondary school were boys ..... I'd spent years telling everyone who would listen that I wouldn't date them if they were the last human on Earth. Ouch...

Wow ..... that's really harsh!

OP, just ignore what people say or laugh it off. I take things lightly so it wasn't an issue for me. Everyone is just curious and likes gossip. It will soon become old news.
Probably because if you took all the men and women in the world who hang out just with each other for long periods of time on a regular basis, less than 5% would be 'just friends'.

I don't think it's really a problem, but people will generally assume if you are hanging out with someone of the opposite gender that you are a couple.
Reply 18
Original post by Tootles

Don't fight it; think about it honestly and ask yourself: how do you feel about him?

Mostly like an annoying but cool older brother. I get the regular but fleeting desire to punch him in the face, very similar to my relationship with my real brother.
Original post by superduper9
Wow ..... that's really harsh!

OP, just ignore what people say or laugh it off. I take things lightly so it wasn't an issue for me. Everyone is just curious and likes gossip. It will soon become old news.

Well, I was twelve years old.... And I had literally no idea that they liked me and they said the same (in hindsight, they only said it because I was saying it) so I just thought it would make people leave us alone...