The Student Room Group

Bede Hall.

Well, the title says it all, has anyone had any experience of Bede Hall or know what to expect when they arrive? From looking at the pictures, it looks quite nice and it is situated by a river which is a bonus, possibly; in fact, I don't even know if I looked at the right hall on the map...

I didn't do any research when I chose my accomodation, I merely chose the best sounding names, which may have backfired on me as I have just realised that I am sharing a kitchen with nine people. Does that mean I am sharing a toilet/ shower with nine people? If so, then I don't know how I am going to cope, unless someone can offer a refreshing view on this situation?

A nice coutyard (I presume)

Open plan kitchen, so I guess that dispells the whole 'kitchen is going to be crowded myth'.

In all, I am looking forward to moving in (on the 23rd) and meeting my new flatmates, hello! Sorry for the long-winded post, I just needed to get some matters off my chest. :smile:
Reply 1
Hey, I'm going to be in Bede hall too. It was my fifth choice on the form but it still looks pretty good. From what I've heard it is a really fun hall, lots of parties etc in the courtyard out back. I think there are two showers/wcs per flat and we have a wash basin in our bedrooms.
I'm going to be on the third floor though, so lots of stairs to climb in a drunken state :s-smilie: (there are no lifts)