Help! We urgently need ammunition to help prove that my niece is being unfairly treated by her University. We need to hear from people who have been the subject of disciplinary hearings by their Universities to try and help prove that the treatment (and punishment!) she has received from such a hearing is unfair and way over the top!
The story is this: she was about to qualify from her nursing degree this month, but has now been kicked off her course and will not be granted her degree because she is unable to prove that a signature on a time sheet is valid! This is the only reason she has been thrown off, otherwise her record is very good.
As a student nurse she has to do a number of external placements and is required to fill in time sheets for these, the time sheets have to be signed off by her mentor (or another suitable person if her mentor is unavailable).
Out of the blue a few weeks ago she was accused of forging signatures on several time sheets and was called before a hearing at her university. She has proved that this accusation was incorrect on all but one count, but was unfortunately unable to prove the last one because the sheet in question (a time sheet from over 2 years ago!) was left for a suitable person to sign as her mentor was away, it was returned to her signed, but now nobody is able to identify the signature.
The time worked, as recorded in the time sheet, is not in dispute as she has been able to prove, to their satisfaction, that she has worked the hours shown -- the only thing in dispute is the authorship of the signature.
The hearing decided, on the "balance of probabilities", that she had forged the signature! This is despite the fact that she proved the other allegations incorrect and that she has produced letters/statements supporting her honesty.
It means that 4 years work, her degree and all prospects of a nursing career are thrown away, as well as tarnishing her with a record as a liar and leaving her utterly despondent!
The union (UNISON) has been involved (although not as effectively as one would have hoped!!); and we are still perusing all avenues we can think of to try and prove that authorship of the signature. But what we are still in need of are examples that may help to prove that the University have not judged the balance of probabilities fairly; and examples to help prove that the punishment is beyond the norm for such cases and out of all proportion.
Can any one help provide these sorts of examples? They need not be in relation to a nursing degree, just any experiences with University disciplinary hearings.