The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Start by not calling us 'birds'. Ta.
Reply 2
Looks like you answered your own question in the thread title...
Reply 3
Lol I thought you meant actual birds when I first read the title
Reply 4
Firsty, don't think of women as meat might get you somewhere. Most people want to get to know you first. Secondly are these jokes crude or sexist?
yeah i thought u meant real birds too!!
Girls are now known as birds? well all the girls i know i never known one of them actually going tweet tweet.

Anyway back on topic you just need to be yourself around girls, whenever one comes and talks to you, just be normal, but don't call that girl a bird whatever you do.
you could not call us that.....
Reply 8
well sorry but thats how i was brought up to talk
not all of us live in well off places and get taught how to speak politly
Reply 9
Try getting an African Grey Parrot I hear they're good birds to talk to.
Reply 10
sorry i said birds can i have some real advie now
Reply 11
well sorry but thats how i was brought up to talk
not all of us live in well off places and get taught how to speak politly

You dont have to be well off to speak politely
Reply 12
Maybe you're just not funny?

Sounds like you and your mates might have quite an immature sense of humour - thus it doesn't translate when you try talking to girls. :wink:
Reply 13
firstly dont call us birds!! it sounds really..... :puke:

okay just chill when you do talk to them!
i mean its not like ur friends are gona bit is it? take it easy and think before you say something, even for 4 seconds!
Reply 14
Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought it was Dr Dolittle having a crisis, lol!
By the way, I can understand that it makes you feel a bit embarrassed when they don't laugh at your jokes, but you've got to ask yourself, are the jokes really that funny? You don't have to be a clown all the time to make people like you, just be natural and stop feeling like you have to act in a certain way. A laugh with the lads is a laugh with the lads, don't expect every girl to be mesmerised by your "humour." Just tone it down, stop feeling like you have to be the joker all the time and chill out a bit. Girls don't bite!
just treat them like guys WITHOUT mentioning the stuff we all say about girls when theyre not present...
Reply 16
Not anonymous anymore :biggrin: Just relax, don't get nervous - so unattractive.
Reply 17
lol cheers mate got any good chat up lines or shuld i go on the relevant thread:wink: :wink:
Ahhh come on ladies, you cant base your whole view on him on one word. Might just be down to his area, if hes always hearing women reffered to like that, whats he meant to do?
I'd be pimpslapping your asses if I was this kid.
Firsty, don't think of women as meat might get you somewhere

Don't you mean poultry?