The Student Room Group
Reply 1
blue tak
Reply 2
pluck it
Reply 3
You don't work at odeon leicester square do you? That guy has the worst mono ever.
Reply 4
I just shave mine.
Reply 5
Shaving and waxing and plucking, oh my!
Reply 6
You really shouldn't shave it, hair comes back darker and thicker than before. Pluck (more practical and looks better) or if you wanna go way out - wax.
Reply 7
My boyfriend has the same - I once got him to let me pluck it. One hair later, and that was it. He wouldn't let me near him with the tweezers again. It's not really that bad to be honest - barely noticable.
Reply 8
Tweeze it. We sorted out all the boys' monobrows on our college trip to New York earlier this year. They needed to be held down though cos boys are generally wimps when it comes to tweezing. So I'd say either be brave and pluck yourself or get your girlfriend/sister/friend to do it for you.
Reply 9
Mwhahahahhaha shaving a mono brow that is funny
Reply 10
dnt shave, doesnt look gud once it starts comming bak, pluck or waxing is even better
Reply 12
I just get mine threaded. So what if it's girly, better than havin a stinkin monobrow! Bloody painful mind...
Be proud of your monobrow. Frida Kahlo had one and she was pretty cool.