The Student Room Group

Breaking Up

First of all sorry for anonymous but friends use this and I don't want them to know becaus eI want to tell her myself.
Well I've been dating this girl for a few months and I just dunno we barely meet up and it just doesn't seem like a relationship more of a friendship which I would be happy to continue. I'm mainly asking if people think I should break up with her (if so how) or whether I'm being too hastey to end things.
I would like help in ways of how I should because I would have the worst feeling of when I've done it so if I decide to I would like some tips on how to make myself realise I'm not being incredibly mean and to do it in a way so I hurt her feelings as least as possible.
Thank you
Reply 1
i think breaking up with her is the right thing to do, if you dont feel it then theres no point dragging it out, just do it straight, explain why, coz your reasons are actually really nice, and a good reason to get broken up with
if u really don't think it's right, u have to listen to ur gut feeling. really, u are doing the best for both of you. it's a waste of time being in a relationship ure not happy with that early on.

she must know too that things aren't going well.

good luck!

Reply 3
I just dunno how to do it because no matter how I do it I'll feel bad because argh it's hard to explain I often worry about things too much like if someone waves to me and I don't wave back by accident I'll be feeling really bad for ages untill I see them next
but you know this is the best thing to do right?

wouldn't it be worse for the girl, if u were only going out because u couldn't break up with her.

you will feel a lot better after you've done it.

Why not ask her if she still wants the relationship at first then tell her your fears before deciding what to do.
I can come out now seeing as it's sorted thanks for all your advice guys it really helped and we are still good friends which I'm glad of. She understood where I was coming from and it's all good in the hood.
Again seriously thanks guys
aww, how cute are you!