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Reply 1
my bf always checks mine but pretends to do it in a 'friendly funny' way, pointing out numbers and asking who they are and things. Really jacks me off. i once read his (he left his phone at my house once) and i saw he'd been txting this b*atch talking about me and he didnt like the fact i brought it up with him.
Reply 2
I suppose it depends on the phone.
Reply 3
but the thing i when some1 looks thru someones one...they are looking for somthing something innocent could seem bad...i guess ill never no...but i started uni this week, so in a way if he reads it hell see im doing nothing wrong,,,,i just have major trust issues....been burnt too many being stupid i know
Reply 4
i let anyone i know go through my phone if they care that much to ask or pick it up

if you had ur bfs/gfs phone would you look?

nope, i would ask first and expect the same in return
Reply 6
hell yeah, curiosity would get the better of me; and equally it wouldn't bother me if they looked through my phone.

I once left my laptop on in the sixth form common room, and I came back and a friend had been searching my pc and found my porn folder. I was soooo embarrassed, but then again, I'd do the same to them.
Reply 7
Ive left my phone round my bf's and ive got nothing to hide but im worried he may go thru it...and i no there nothing to see...but its the whole mistrust and cos theres nothing i wont know

if you had ur bfs/gfs phone would you look?


Been there done that and it didn't end nicely.

Now I just trust him and respect his privacy. And a tiny part of it is fear - i don't want to find something I won't like.
Yeah I'd look. It's pretty much human nature.
Reply 9
It doesn't even cross my mind though anymore :confused:
i wouldnt look
my gf would though
Well to be honest i don't think you have too much to fear especially as you got nothing to hide, if your boyfriend trusts you i don't think he would have a problem.
I would look but wouldnt let my bf look at mine.
Reply 13
I wouldn't look because I don't care and because I respect people's privacy.
I always look at my boyfriends, not because i dont trust him but i dont know, he doesnt look through mine but he could if he wanted to i dont care
Reply 15
Why else look through his phone though, if not through lack of trust?
um, i look at my (ex) bfs, cos i'm nosy. he looks at mine. i have nothing to hide so i don't care, but i'm not sure he feels the same!
Yeah I would. I'm terribly curious.

But hey if you have nothing to hide what's the problem.
Reply 18
my bf always checks mine but pretends to do it in a 'friendly funny' way, pointing out numbers and asking who they are and things. Really jacks me off. i once read his (he left his phone at my house once) and i saw he'd been txting this b*atch talking about me and he didnt like the fact i brought it up with him.

sounds exactly like my ex. every time he saw my phone hed go through all my messages and contacts, asking who everyone was (but in a jokey way, as though he didnt really mind), and whenever i went anywhere near his phone i got accused of being over protective etc.

anyway on topic, yeah i probably would have, except that he'd never have told me the pin number for it.
my ex and i get on quite well and his girlfriend found our txts when going on his fone and went mad. And told him we couldn't speak.. She's been dirty-txting some other guy and he doesn't look at hers (she won't let him)... Unequality. there shouldn't be one rule for one and one for another!