The Student Room Group

Needle phobia

Has anyone found anything to help them get over this??

I had to have a tetanus recently and the first time I went I literally kicked the nurse away and did a bum shuffle on the doctors chair out of the door screaming abuse at the poor nurse, i'm a nice person really!! The next time I got utterly drunk and got it done no problem, but I spent the next 4 hours passed out on the sofa, after waking I spent another week telling my mum she was lying that I had it cos I couldnt remember >_< Now this could be a coping technique for this phobia, but it's not very nice.

Anyway now, I have to have TWO!! MMR jabs as I never had any when I was a baby before going to uni >_< But the nurse has said this time I cannot have any alcohol before I have this jab, I don't know why it was different for the tetanus the nurse said it was alright then.. I have been given tranquilisers from the doctor but they do nothing!!! Has anyone found anything atall that has helped them?

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Nope, i hate needles and i hate them i hate them and i really hate them, wow i hate needles, the whole idea of some piece of metal stuck in my arm is disgusting. i wont have any piercings either. sorry, my post is pointless, but at least your not the only one eh
Reply 2
I'm ****TING myself too....I have to have MMR AND Meningitis C I think..the dr is ringing me back on Mon....I'm SO scared.....:frown: Sorry I can't help you....:frown:
Reply 3
well at least tis nice to know im not alone!
I also have a total needle phobia. To be honest, I can't see why alcohol would make a difference.
But if you HAVE to have it done, don't look (at all!) and pretend you're just talking to someone. Lame advice, but it worked for me.
Reply 5
Its got to be better than the alturnative? You've bitten your tongue before, an injection is far less than that, the points are so fine nowadays. stop stressing and just do it
I know how you feel about the needle phobia but I honestly don't know how to get over it.I haven't had my TB(and I have quite bad asthma),MMR,Meningitis etc....I went to Africa and had no jabs....all because I was too frightened.I never have my flu jab either:frown:
I had an extreme needle phobia (which extended into dental work). I was sent to see a hypnotherapist and it has helped me - I was taught how to put self-hypnotise and how to bing myself out of it - this helps when it comes to getting injections etc. Dpon't get me wrong I'm still scared, but I have ways to cope with it - just don't op and get acupuncture done to cure your phobia as someone suggested to me - LMAO)
Reply 8
You're definately not alone, I hate needles and I'm starting nurse training at the end of the month :p:

Maybe take a book next time you go - then you can read it and it'll distract you from the injection? Either that of just don't look when they do it :smile:
Reply 9
I am also trying to think of everyway possible to get out of having my MMR jab, i am absolutely terrorfied of needles. It took 5 people to hold me down to have my TB jab :redface:

I'm just planning on taking my boyfriend, turning away from the nurse (after instructing her that if she does show me the needle i will run away) and repeating over and over again (whilst crying)

"is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?" :redface:
Reply 10
Yeh I hate needles too. :redface: But the nurse spoke to me when I got my holiday jabs done so that helped, didn't even notice it. :eek: Don't tense up, otherwise it'll hurt more. Also, it's best to just do it; protection against icky diseases and all that. :cool:

Oh, and no matter how old you are, ask for a lolly for being brave! :lollypop: :p:
Reply 11
The MMR needle is so fine you dont even feel it, so if you dont watch then you wont notice it.
Reply 12
oooh, I really don't like needles. I'm fine with spiders, heights, the dark, etc, but face me with vaccinations...*shudders*

I had to be pinned down by three nurses for the last one, and I'm about 6 years overdue for a tetanus booster. Mind you, I'm trying to work on it; finally got around to getting my ears pierced last year, and my lip is next...when I work up the courage. The important thing is not to look at the needle, and remember that it'll all be over in a few seconds. And always ask for a lolipop.
Reply 13
I'm ****TING myself too....I have to have MMR AND Meningitis C I think..the dr is ringing me back on Mon....I'm SO scared.....:frown: Sorry I can't help you....:frown:

I gotta have the MMR and Meningitis C aswell, unfortunately i am acutally having it on Monday :frown::frown:. I'm not keen on needles at all
I used to hate needles poked into me too. But then once after being injected, the same day an ant bit me. And I realized that the ant caused me more pain than the needle.
As much as i hate needles, I have never kicked a nurse and hurled abuse at her before.

Maybe u just need a pretty nurse :biggrin:
I hate needles I hadd all MMR jabs separate when i was baby then the all in one thing was introduced and apparently i cried so much she wouldnt let my sister have it done when she was born.
I used to s**t myself every time i needed an injection: I decided to get over it by going and giving blood!!

I'm a rare blood type and even though blood donating is the ultimate nightmare for someone with a needle phobia - It gave me a real reason to do it.
I felt good about having donated and now needles aren't nearly as scary (one quick jab instead of 10 minutes for a blood donation :biggrin: )

I'm going to get my MMR booster one for uni in like 20 mins - woo hoo :p:

Oxford University (Somerville) - German and Classics
I too hate needles right now...

But that could be because I just got a tattoo on my chest about an hour ago and it was more painful than I want to recollect... death cab for cutie better recognise... !
sorry i hate needles too and i have no idea how to get over that phobia, im gunna give blood-im determined to do it, well they dont want my blood at the moment-but im hoping doing something like that will help my phobia-and if it doesnt help then ill just be a big baby doing something for a good cause