The Student Room Group

alcohol and anti-depressants

is it really not safe to drink when you're on them? not even a little bit? i was going to try it but i don't want anything weird to happen to me!
i'm taking citalopram only 10mg a day at the moment, started a few days ago.
also, it says take them before or after a meal but i've been taking them just at night quite a while after/before food is this ok?
argh confusing hehe i just want to feel a bit better don't want to have to worry about all this!
Reply 1
Hmm..Think it might have been citalopram where I lost all coordination after only one drink.
Reply 2
I'm on a different type but my leaflet says to avoid alcohol full-stop while taking them so I wouldn't advise it.

Remember, alcohol is a depressant so I don't think it's the best thing to be mixing it with anti-depressants while you're obviously already depressed.
Reply 3
is it really not safe to drink when you're on them? not even a little bit? i was going to try it but i don't want anything weird to happen to me! i'm taking citalopram only 10mg a day at the moment, started a few days ago. also, it says take them before or after a meal but i've been taking them just at night quite a while after/before food is this ok? argh confusing hehe i just want to feel a bit better don't want to have to worry about all this!

Start taking them exactly when it tells you to. Being advised to take them before/after a meal is all to do with the necessary slow release into your system.

I was taking fluoxetine and then paroxetine for a couple of years. Drinking alcohol would seem quite "normal" until I hit a stage of being quite pissed. I would then suddenly hit a wall of despair where it felt like a dozen anxiety attacks were coming all at once. As long as I didn't get too pissed then I wouldn't reach this stage.

Alcohol affects people in slightly different ways, whether they're on anti-depressants or not. Read the medication instructions in full, and maybe have a chat with your GP about it.

Alcohol acts as a depressant, so baisically your are cancelling out the anti-deprsesant. Always follow the advice provided on lefalts with medication - the information is there for a reason.

Alcohol acts as a depressant, so baisically your are cancelling out the anti-deprsesant. Always follow the advice provided on lefalts with medication - the information is there for a reason.

I agree with this, it's not a good idea at all.
Reply 6
NHS direct offers some comprehensive advice on antidepressants and alcohol:

Clinical trials showed no major interactions between citalopram and alcohol. The advice in the leaflet is in the line of caution as in certain individuals citalopram can increase the effects of alcohol.

This that not mean that you should feel like you can go on a binge though. If you are going to have a drink I would suggest only one at first. It may be better to try it out at home when there is somone with you rather then in a pub or club where you may be tempted to drink more plus at risk if you get more drank then expected.

As many people said alcohol acts as depressant. It does not mean that it will cancel the effects of your medication but it may make you prone to feeling low. Taking into account that a common side effect of antidepressants at the begining of the therapy is mood lowering I would strongly advice that you wait for a couple of weeks before you start experimenting with alcohol.
Reply 7
thanks to everyone who replied :smile: i definitely won't be drinking yet then! and if i do i'll wait at least a month and try a little bit at a time.